Some people with complex or progressive illnesses or severe disabilities can't get the care they need in the community or in a long-term care facility.

West Park Healthcare Centre provides complex continuing care (CCC) service, a specialized 24-hour program for people with complex or progressive illnesses or disabilities, such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), paraplegia or mild dementia. West Park also offers specialized CCC services for older adults and patients with complex respiratory disorders.

We do not accept patients who display inappropriate behaviours such as verbal or physical abuse.

At West Park, complex continuing care takes a rehabilitative approach to help patients reach the highest possible functional level. With an individualized program to meet specific needs, patients have the support of a transdisciplinary team of health care professionals who are experienced in treating complex medical, physical, social and emotional problems associated with long-term illness and disabilities.

For additional information, please contact general complex continuing care service 416 243 3600 ext. 32135 or 32136.

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