
Being accountable to our patients and community is essential to maintaining public trust and an international reputation for excellence. At UHN, accountability means making the right clinical and managerial decisions, managing resources efficiently, and measuring our performance against provincial and national benchmarks.

To that end, Performance Measurement provides UHN's program groupings with evidence-based data and analytical expertise to help them plan their services. With the right data and analysis, UHN could, for example, find ways to reduce Emergency wait times, improve the efficiencies of particular units or clinic areas through quality improvement projects, and lower the rates of post-operative wound infections and re-admissions.

In the long run, good management of our services and resources allows us to focus on our primary role of providing patients with the highest possible standard of care. 

We encourage you to access other, external resources, such as, a website run by the Ontario Hospital Association. The site explains 39 different patient safety indicators which each rate a different aspect of patient care for all hospitals across Ontario. The purpose of the site is to make information about Ontario hospitals accessible and useful to patients and their families, to help them participate in the management of their own health care. 

Websites like help us to improve our performance as health-care providers and achieve our goal of providing patient-centred care.

For further information, please visit​​.
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