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Some health-related costs are not covered by OHIP and you have to pay for them yourself.
As part of your treatment, you may need an assessment at the
Princess Margaret (PM) Dental Clinic. The PM Dental Clinic provides some services at no cost to patients, but not all. If you need any treatment or dental x-rays (or other imaging) there will be a cost.
If you have private insurance, it may cover your dental costs. If you are receiving Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), they may be able to help with some of these costs. If you are over the age of 65 and have a low income you can apply for the
Ontario Seniors Dental Program. You can request a monthly payment plan to help you pay for the dental services at the PM Dental Clinic.
Assistive Devices
You may need to use mobility aids such as a cane, walker, wheelchair or power scooter. You may need to install safety devices in your house such as grab bars in the bathtub, a raised toilet seat or a shower chair.
Call your private health insurance or government provider (eg: OW, ODSP, Home and Community Care Support Services, Non-Insured Health Benefits) to check what home safety and mobility aids are paid for. Ask if they need a note, prescription or form completely by your doctor. The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) is for people who need certain types of medical equipment or supplies for 6 months or longer. ADP covers 75% of the cost of medical equipment in most cases.
Learn more about the Assistive Devices Program.
Ontario Health atHome Support Services
These are services for people who need help to live independently in the community. They provide additional support for their clients including providing or renting certain medical equipment. If you are a Ontario Health atHome client, speak to your case manager for more details.
Learn more about Ontario Health atHome.
You may need physiotherapy and occupational therapy during or after your treatment.
Fertility is your body’s ability to reproduce (make a baby). You may lose fertility from your cancer treatment. Fertility preservation can help you have a biological baby in the future. Fertility preservation can mean freezing eggs, freezing embryo(s) or storing sperm.
Learn more about fertility preservation and costs.
Household work
During and after your treatment, you may not be able to do your household work. You may need help with tasks such as grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning. You may have support at home from Home and Community Care Support Services. Home and Community Care Support Services does not help with meal preparation, childcare, or housekeeping.
Meals on Wheels prepares foods for people who cannot shop or cook. Your city may have agencies that provide home support services, search your community on the
211 website or phone 2-1-1.
You may need to find childcare during your treatment. You may also need to do less childcare while you recover. Your partner or spouse may not have time for childcare if they are also your caregiver.