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There are a number of hotels within walking distance of the sites of the University Health Network. Download the "Accommodation Near the University Health Network" booklet for a list of nearby hotels [PDF] »

Some hotels have a special discounted rate for out-of-town family members and visitors of patients.

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Inpatient Care Centres

If you are an Ontario resident, your OHIP coverage pays for a standard hospital room in an inpatient care centre. The number of beds in a standard room varies between different units.

Room Upgrades

You can upgrade to a semi-private room, which has 2 beds, or a private room with 1 bed. There is a cost to upgrading your room. Once you are admitted, speak to your nurse or Unit Clerk for more details. If you have private insurance it may cover some or all of the cost of a room upgrade. Check your insurance policy to find out. You will need to sign a room request form and provide a credit card imprint when you make your room request. Your choice of room may not be available when you are admitted. If this occurs, we will move you into one as soon as possible.​

Learn more about Inpatient Units at the Princess Margaret » ​​

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Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Lodge

Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Lodge ("PM Lodge") is a unique place for out-of-town cancer patients who come to Toronto for treatment. It provides a “home away from home” for short-term stays.

The PM Lodge provides accommodation at a reasonable rate for people receiving active cancer treatment (such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy or stem cell transplant) at either Princess Margaret Cancer Centre or Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre. It is a self-care facility for people who can manage their own personal care and medications. Family members can stay at the PM Lodge with you if space permits.

The PM Lodge is now open!

After over 4 years of closure for renovation, we are proud to once again provide this “home away from home” for out-of-town cancer patients.

Learn more about PM Lodge » ​​​

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Last reviewed: 4/9/2024
Last modified: 4/24/2024 7:49 AM
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