​The Lung Site Group at Princess Margaret aims to continuously advance the frontiers of clinical and translational research to provide innovative treatment and management in medical, radiation and surgical oncology.

Our translational lung cancer research program received grant support for its continued growth this year. The program explores tumour markers, molecular pathology of targeted therapies and selection of therapy on the basis of molecular targets.

A number of investigators lead the program, including the globally recognized Dr. Frances Shepherd and Dr. Ming Tsao, with grants from the Ontario Institute of Cancer Research, Canadian Cancer Society and Terry Fox Research Institute and recipients of the Ontario Premier’s Summit Award for Research Excellence.

Dr. Geoffrey Liu holds a Research Chair in Experimental Therapeutics and Population Studies at Cancer Care Ontario. Doctors Natasha Leighl, Thomas Waddell, Gilda Santos and others are all part of the translational lung cancer program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

The Lung Site Group is grateful to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and the many donors who support research and innovation at our centre. These include numerous endowed fellowships, research funds and academic research chairs, including the following:

Endowed Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Chairs:
  • Scott Taylor Chair in Lung Cancer Research
  • M. Qasim Choksi Chair in Lung Cancer Translational Research
  • Alan B. Brown Chair in Molecular Genomics
  • Addie MacNaughton Chair in Thoracic Radiation Oncology
  • OSI Pharmaceuticals Foundation Chair in Cancer New Drug Development
Endowed Toronto General Hospital Chairs:
  • James Wallace McCutcheon Chair in Surgery
  • Pearson-Ginsberg Chair in Thoracic Surgery
  • Thomson Family Chair in Thoracic Translational Research
  • Kress Family Chair in Esophageal Cancer
Endowed Fellowships:
  • Oberlander Fellowship in Lung Cancer Research
  • Michael V. and Wanda Plachta Fellowship in Thoracic Surgical Oncology

Open Clinical Trials

Last reviewed: 8/27/2017
Last modified: 10/30/2023 1:03 PM
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