
Student Education

Clinical pastoral education (CPE) is an experience-based approach to learning spiritual care and counselling which combines care with qualified supervision and group reflection. CPE is normally in an inter-disciplinary context where the insights of other professions promote creative dialogue and where cooperation is encouraged with other workers and agencies serving the community. The program is open to people who are interested in pursuing a profession in spiritual care or counselling.

CPE is undertaken in educational units, the content and duration of which are determined by the educational stream and centre chosen. CPE may be taken in consecutive units, but many students find it useful to take time for the integration of learning and completion of other education.

Student Education at UHN

A full-time residency program is offered at UHN, beginning in September and ending in August of the following year. The residency includes one basic CPE unit, two advanced CPE units, and a consolidation unit. We also have a full-time summer program, beginning the end of April and ending mid-July.

All students must register through a Toronto School of Theology (TST) member college. The student pays fees through the registration system to the member college, and those who wish to take a CPE unit who aren't already enrolled in a TST College must apply both to the supervisor offering the CPE unit and to a TST member college as a special, non-degree student.

Students applying to a TST College will be subject to the same admissions procedure and criteria as other non-degree students as per college policy and should expect to submit all post-secondary transcripts and adhere to the application deadlines of the college.

Contact Us

Linda Kuschnik, Spiritual Care Clinician Educator

Sharon Konyen, Spiritual Care Clinician Educator


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