Clinician FAQs​

The TIME™ program is for people with mobility challenges. TIME™ participants may use a cane or walker to get around and often find it difficult to walk longer distances in the community. They do not require a specific diagnosis to join but rather must meet eligibility criteria that is based on functional mobility status.

Participants can self-refer. But when a care provider "prescribes" the TIME™ program an individual is far more likely to follow-through with joining.

You can do this by using our locations menu to find your patient's nearest TIME™ location and contact information for registration. Then share this information with them as part of care planning.

You can also download a PDF of our program listing to distribute within your programs and clinics.

Encourage your patients to join our virtual program TIME™ at Home as this can be done from anywhere in Canada. You can also explore our exercise & wellness video collection for a list of online videos that should be appropriate for TIME™ participants and those with similar mobility.

Please let your patients know there is a subsidy available for those who need financial assistance. It covers the registration fee and can also help with transportation costs to and from the program. It is called Jo's TIME™ Fund and their local TIME™ program applies to the fund on their behalf so that they do not have to do any paperwork.

For more detailed answers to these and other frequently asked questions, view our TIME™ Program Additional Information document.

Eligibility Screening Questions

When a participant registers for TIME™, the program coordinator will use the below criteria to complete a telephone screening call to ensure that the potential participant is a good fit.

Lower functional limit

Participants must be able to:

  • Walk at least 10 metres (30 feet) with or without a cane or walker
    • Must walk without the physical help of another person, but the quality of the gait is not of concern
  • Follow exercise instructions and/or demonstrations in a small group
    • There are 4 participants to every staff for in-person programs
    • The virtual program requires the ability to follow along with audio and video. A care partner can be present at home to assist with tech as needed
  • Safely stand and move when holding on to a hand support for balance
    • Movement such as reaching to one side or marching on the spot
    • This includes being able to rise from a chair to stand up

Upper functional limit

TIME™ is not intended for people who:

  • Have NO issues with balance and mobility, and could instead join a typical fitness program (gentle and/or seniors fitness is available at most rec centres)
  • Regularly walk longer distances in the community and can manage obstacles such as curbs, ramps and crowds with ease

Helpful Resources: Collection of Exercise and Wellness Videos

To help participants stay active in between TIME™ classes, we've put together this list of exercise and wellness videos that are appropriate for people with mobility challenges. The selected videos work best for people who find it difficult to walk in the community and who use a cane or walker to get around. These videos can be found online and are available free of charge.

View Our Video Gallery

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