​​​​The Skin and Melanoma Site Group at Princess Margaret aims to continuously advance the frontiers of clinical and translational research in our field to provide cutting-edge treatment and management in medical, surgical and radiation oncology.

Our group is establishing molecular genetic tests, such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), which will help pathologists in the differential diagnosis of borderline melanocytic lesions, including atypical Spitzoid tumours. We are also developing tissue microarrays for melanoma, sebaceous carcinoma and Merkel cell carcinoma.

Our melanoma database tracks patient outcomes so we can better understand the nature and complexity of melanomas and how treatments affect tumour types. In the long term this database will inform and advance patient assessment and treatment planning to improve patient outcomes.

The significant clinical trials work we do includes testing therapies directed against B-RAF, N-RAS and C-KIT mutations, as well as novel targets in metastatic melanomas.

Open Clinical Trials

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Last reviewed: 4/30/2023
Last modified: 11/8/2024 11:44 AM
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