​​​​​​The Dental Oncology, Ocular and Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic team provides specialized care to patients before, during and after cancer treatment.

Some of the specialized clinical programs we offer are:

Dental Oncology & Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic

The Dental Oncology and Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic offers a wide range of specialized diagnostic and therapeutic dental and facial prosthetic services for people with all types of cancer. 

Learn more about the Dental Oncology & Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic »

High-Risk Oral Lesion Clinic

The Princess Margaret High-Risk Oral Lesion (HROL) clinic provides specialized oral pathology services to community dentists and physicians. Dentists and physicians can refer patients with suspicious oral lesions to the clinic to be seen by our oral pathologist. Our pathologist will triage referrals and arrange to see them based on the suspected urgency.

Learn more about the High-Risk Oral Lesion Clinic »

Maxillofacial Prosthetics

The Maxillofacial Prosthetics Program offers comprehensive rehabilitation for patients who have sustained damage to their teeth or hard or soft oral tissue as a result of cancer and cancer treatment. Intraoral maxillofacial deformities are corrected by using prostheses to replace lost structures, improving quality of life for patients in both day-to-day functioning and social situations.

Last reviewed: 11/11/2024
Last modified: 11/12/2024 5:47 AM
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