Concussion Education

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Brain Donation Research Program for Concussion and their Consequences

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About Us

Canadian Concussion Centre  

The Canadian Concussion Centre (CCC) is based at the Toronto Western Hospital and is part of the Krembil Brain Institute at the University Health Network. The CCC is led by internationally acclaimed concussion expert, Dr. Charles Tator.

The team includes world leaders in brain injuries, imaging, genetics, clinical care, neuropsychology, and psychiatry working together to diagnose and treat persisting symptoms of concussions and to do the research necessary to improve the diagnosis and treatment of concussions and their consequences. Our mission is to provide patient-centred care, educate and do research focused on concussion and its consequences including persisting concussion symptoms and brain degeneration.

We examine the relationship between repeated concussions and late deterioration of brain function which can occur after repeated concussions. We are interested in people who have sustained concussions from all kinds of activities including sports and recreation, motor vehicle crashes, work falls, military as well as intimate partner violence, amongst others.

The CCC has the only Hospital/University Chair in Concussion Research in Canada, the Marion and Gerald Soloway Chair, which is an endowed chair held by Dr. Carmela Tartaglia since 2017.



Canadian Concussion Centre Webinar Series

We strive to educate patients, their caregivers as well as healthcare providers, on the diagnosis and management of persisting symptoms of concussion. Our educational programs include a Webinar Series on the management of persisting symptoms of concussion. Please see our Concussion Education section for upcoming webinar schedules and previous webinar videos.


New partnership: The Canadian Concussion Centre with The Concussion Legacy Foundation Global Brain Bank

The Canadian Concussion Centre joins the Concussion Legacy Foundation Global Brain Bank to advance research on Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in Canada. The Canadian Concussion Centre (CCC) will become the sixth member of the CLF Global Brain Bank, an international collaboration of researchers studying chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in the United States, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.


The Canadian Concussion Centre and the Concussion Legacy Foundation Global Brain Bank Collaboration​​

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