
To qualify as a physiotherapist, individuals must obtain an entry-level degree from an accredited Physical Therapy Program. The current entry-level degree in Canada is a Master of Physical Therapy. They must be a member in good standing with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. A certificate from an accredited program in Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy Assistant training is preferred for all Rehabilitation Assistants.

Our staff physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants are heavily involved in student education. We have physiotherapy student collective agreements with several academic sites including the University of Toronto, McMaster University, Queens University, and the University of Western Ontario. We also have several physiotherapy assistant student collective agreements including Humber College and Centennial College. Every year, we have physiotherapy and physiotherapy assistant student placements and placements with the University of Toronto's Ontario Internationally Educated Physiotherapy Bridging (OIEPB) program. Our physiotherapist and physiotherapy assistants are also involved with teaching at academic sites and they continue their professional education through a variety of professional development courses.

Contact Us

Stephanie Cudd, Student Fieldwork Coordinator – Princess Margaret/Toronto General

Meredith Smith, Academic Clinical Educator Physiotherapy – Toronto Rehab​

Lakshmi Matmari, Student Fieldwork Coordinator – Toronto Western
Email: ​​​​​​​​​​​

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