Every day, our health care professionals solve problems, ask questions, and enhance their practice in order to provide the best possible patient care. We believe that this commitment to ongoing learning and innovation is what makes University Health Network (UHN) a great place to give and receive care.
As part of UHN, the Collaborative Academic Practice (CAP) portfolio leads practice, research, and education across the health professions. Our strategy around
Practice-Based Research and Innovation is integral to how we practice, how we continue to improve, and how we contribute to the development of new knowledge within UHN and beyond. We define "Practice Based Research and Innovation" as the systematic and scholarly inquiry into questions that arise from practice settings, that are of concern to practitioners, patients and families, and have the potential to inform how we might practice in the future.
We support Practice-Based Research and Innovation by providing the infrastructure, processes, and programs that enable innovative connections between knowledge and care.
Our activities include:
- Creating opportunities to share new knowledge and promote best practices
- Supporting the processes required for important, timely, and rigorous research within our clinical practice settings
- Creating opportunities for collaborations between established researchers and practicing clinicians
- Building, supporting and sustaining dedicated health professions Research Professorships, Chair and Clinician Scientist positions
- Offering an
Internal Research Grants Program to provide seed funding for practice-based research projects led by clinician researchers
- Offering education, mentorship, and seed grant funding to support clinicians engaging in research
- Offering an
Innovation Fellowship Program with paid protected time for clinicians to lead quality improvement projects
- Supporting clinical students (and their supervisors) who are required to conduct a research project as part of their clinical or professional degree
our vision is to support and sustain highly functioning teams of clinicians, educators, researchers, students and leaders engaging in collaborative research and innovation to generate knowledge that transforms academic practice at UHN and beyond.
If you would like to learn more about Practice Based Research and Innovation at UHN, please contact: