Security was doubled at UHN over the G20 weekend and security guards enforced Restricted Access — meaning staff and visitors were allowed in and out of the hospital, but staff were required to present hospital I.D. badges and non-staff were asked questions about their hospital business — as a result of protests outside our doors.
"We efficiently managed protestors streaming north on Bathurst Street past TWH and south on University Avenue between TGH and PMH from College Street, an earthquake and a fire alarm almost simultaneously," says Todd Milne, Senior Manager of Security Operations, reflecting on the unusual events of June 23. "It was an opportunity for us to shine throughout the G20 events and take a lead role. There was no vandalism, thefts or damage to UHN property."
Through the Toronto Association of Police and Private Security (TAPPS) and our International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety members (IAHSS), Todd provided real-time updates about G20 activity — including which direction protesters were heading — which was fed back to UHN Central Command, enabling the team to assess the risk and determine next steps.
"I'd like to express my appreciation to staff for wearing their hospital I.D. badges; the participation of everyone involved really strengthened our partnerships," says Todd.