Short film directed by award-winning Canadian filmmaker Barry Avrich pays tribute to UHN’s amazing Multi-Organ Transplant Program, which is based at Toronto General Hospital. (Video: Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation)
UHN's world-leading Multi-Organ Transplant Program is Canada’s largest – performing nearly 600 transplants every year and providing world-class follow-up care to more than 5,000 transplant recipients.
Based at UHN's Toronto General Hospital, it is one of the top five transplant centres in the world thanks to excellence in kidney, liver, lung, heart, pancreas and intestinal transplant procedures.
The program is also a leader in living donor transplantation and innovative, cutting edge bench-to-bedside research – most notably pioneering the ex-vivo technique of organ assessment and repair.
For more on UHN’s Multi-Organ Transplant Program,
go here.