Dr. Mitesh Badiwala is
the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre’s newest cardiac surgeon. The PMCC is the premier
cardiac centre in Canada. Since it opened its doors in 1997, the Centre has
saved and improved the lives of cardiac and vascular patients around the world.
(Photo: UHN)
Meet Dr. Mitesh Badiwala, the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre's (PMCC) newest staff cardiac surgeon. UHNews sat down with Dr. Badiwala to find out what he has in store for his new role – including establishing a "one stop shop" multi-disciplinary Valve Clinic for patients with valvular heart disease and developing an Ex-Vivo Heart Perfusion system to resuscitate and evaluate donor hearts.
UHNews: What convinced you to take a position at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre?
Dr. Badiwala: Having had the opportunity to train extensively at the PMCC, I was well aware of the cutting-edge research and clinical work being performed here on a daily basis. I was convinced that this was the place to be if I wanted to be part of a team of world-class innovators.
UHNews: What are your main areas of interest?
Dr. Badiwala: My main areas of clinical interest are heart transplantation, mechanical circulatory assistance, mitral valve repair and minimally invasive valve surgery. My main area of research interest is donor organ protection strategies and I will be working on developing an Ex-Vivo Heart Perfusion system to resuscitate and evaluate donor hearts.
UHNews: What are you looking forward to most as you begin your tenure as a member of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department at the PMCC?
Dr. Badiwala: I am looking forward to working with a team of incredibly motivated individuals in the Department who have a vision for innovation and excellence in Cardiovascular Surgery. I am also looking forward to applying some of the new skills that I learned during my fellowship in Chicago to provide less invasive cardiac surgery to our patient population.
A trio of cardiac
surgeons, Dr. Badiwala (left), Dr. Vivek Rao (centre) and Dr. Terry Yau
(right), were involved in the first Canadian implant of the newest mechanical
heart device, the HeartMate III, as part of a clinical trial at the PMCC.
(Photo: UHN)
UHNews: What is your vision for your role in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department?
Dr. Badiwala: My vision for my role in Cardiovascular Surgery at PMCC is to continue to provide innovation in the areas of valve surgery and the surgical management of heart failure. I want to establish a multi-disciplinary Valve Clinic – a one stop shop so to speak – for patients with valvular heart disease. For those that do require valve surgery, I want to provide new techniques that are less invasive. Similarly, for patients requiring mechanical circulatory support such as LVADs, I also wish to apply less invasive techniques that I have learned.
UHNews: Which accomplishments/accolades you are most proud of and why?
Dr. Badiwala: I am most proud of having received the first Annual Shafie S. Fazel Outstanding Resident Surgeon and Investigator Award. Shafie was a friend, mentor and fellow resident in the Cardiac Surgical Training Program at the University of Toronto. He was an inspiration to me and many others. A phenomenal clinician and scientist, Shafie would clearly have been a "superstar" academic cardiac surgeon. Tragically, he lost his life to cancer in the midst of his training. Having won this award created in his honour was a personally touching and humbling event for me.
UHNews: Anything else you want to share?
Dr. Badiwala: I feel truly privileged to have been given the opportunity to return to Canada and the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre where I will work amongst some of the best healthcare workers in the world to produce world-leading outcomes.
To learn more about the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, click here.