Research and innovation at West Park Healthcare Centre builds on the hospital’s long history of care and looks to the future. It is an ongoing quest to discover better treatment options, differentiate what works from what doesn’t, question the untested, and ask “what if". West Park focuses its research in the following areas below.

Amputee Rehabilitation

Amputee research taps into the wealth of experiences found in one of the largest adult amputee rehabilitation services in Canada. West Park’s amputee rehabilitation research examines models of care, components, and other factors with a goal of maximizing patients’ functional independence.

Post-Occupancy Evaluation

  • Connection to nature
  • Integrated bedside terminals
  • Team substations
  • Family zones
  • Congregate dining
  • Decentralized patient registration.

Respiratory Rehabilitation

Respiratory research starts with the established benefits of rehabilitation for people with breathing difficulties and assesses the best components of training and how to make the benefits last longer.

Finding the best way to build strength, improve breathing and enhance confidence can lead to a better quality of life for the short of breath.

Spasticity Management

At the trailhead of discovery, spasticity researchers see that treatments at West Park’s Spasticity Management Clinic are changing lives. Now, they are looking for the right tools to show the difference through universal, tested assessment scales. Future projects could focus on the determinants of spasticity and the use of specific treatments on other ailments.

For additional information, please contact at 416 243 3600 ext. 32628​​​​

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