170 Emmett Ave
Toronto, ON M6M 2J5
Level 3-D
Referrals are only accepted from hospitals or physicians.
To submit a referral, you may use the Resource Matching and Referral process (RM&R) or download and complete the Inpatient Rehab/CCC Referral Form (a standardized GTA Rehab Network form).
Once you have completed the form, fax it to 416 243 8397.
After we receive your referral, our Discharge and Flow Coordinator will contact the referral source.
What We Do
The Amputee Rehabilitation service helps patients who have lost a limb adjust to their amputation and begin their recovery to achieve their full physical, psychological and social potential.
Adults with limb amputations who, depending on their condition and needs, may be joining us on an outpatient basis (coming for appointments while living at your own home) or as an inpatient where you’ve been admitted to West Park for a period of time.
West Park houses the largest inpatient amputee service in Canada, with staff dedicated and trained solely in the care of the amputee population. We are also the only adult amputee rehabilitation program in the Greater Toronto area with an on-site prosthetic facility. That means we can monitor and adjust prosthetics daily if needed.
Eligibility Criteria
Patients of West Park's Amputee Rehab Service are adults, 18 years and older (younger patients will be considered if appropriate for the program), who have:
- Undergone an amputation of the foot or leg, or hand or arm
- Sufficient mental competence to learn or participate in a rehabilitation program
- Potential for recovery to an improved level of independence with the application or replacement of a prosthetic device and instruction in a comprehensive rehabilitation program
- Potential for improvement in functional independence by participating in a comprehensive rehabilitation program without the application of a prosthetic device - priority is given to amputees awaiting admission for prosthetic fitting
- Patients admitted for non-prosthetic rehabilitation must demonstrate that adequate social support exists in their community living environment, and it can be adjusted to accommodate the patient's altered physical status and needs
- A stable medical condition (assessed by consulting a physiatrist or designate) to permit full participation in the program.
- The cost of medical and professional care is covered for patients with a valid Ontario Health Card issued by the Ministry of Health
- Additional information on fees charged is available from West Park's Financial Services Department at 416 243 3600, ext. 30610.