About Us


Toronto Rehab – Lyndhurst
1st and 2nd Floor


Toronto Rehab Reception
Phone: 416 597 3422 ext. 6000

Spinal Cord Rehab Inpatient Service Coordinator
Phone: 416 597 3422 ext. 6105
Fax: 416 597 ​7091​


UHN hospitals offer flexible visiting hours.

Learn more about visiting patients at UHN.











The Spinal Cord Rehab Inpatient Service is appropriate for patients who:

  • Has a diagnosis of a spinal cord injury or disease
  • Are medically, surgically and psychiatrically stable
  • Are willing to actively participate in and comply with the components of our individualized rehabilitation program
  • Are able to tolerate 3 hours of rehabilitation activity daily, and can safely sit for a minimum of 2 hours daily. It must be anticipated that the patient will meet this threshold upon admission to our inpatient service or shortly thereafter
  • Have clear rehabilitation goals that can be achieved during the patient's length of stay
  • Have begun to develop a discharge plan prior to admission

Download and complete the Inpatient Rehab/CCC Referral Form and the Functional Information – Spinal Cord Injury form and fax them to 416 422 2467.

Once we receive your referral, we will review the referral to ensure that it is complete; if incomplete, the forms will be returned to you. We will contact the referral source to confirm the admission date and provide information about the patient's stay. Your office is responsible for providing the patient with the information about their admission and stay.

In addition to the completed referral forms, make sure to include:

  • Clinical notes (nursing, OT, PT, SW, SLP, Psych)
  • All consultation reports
  • All follow-up appointments
  • Tests, diagnostic reports (such as CT scans or MRIs) and any other relevant results​

Additional referral forms or supporting documents that may be needed:

What We Do

In Canada, there are approximately 4,300 new spinal cord injuries each year and 86,000 people live with spinal cord injury or disease.

Toronto Rehab's Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program is the largest rehabilitation program in Canada for people with spinal cord injuries and related non-traumatic neurological conditions. Our 60-bed rehabilitation facility accepts patients from across the Greater Toronto area and northwards. We also accept patients from other areas of the province, nationally and sometimes internationally.

Our inpatient program is a high inte​​​nsity rehabilitation program for patients age 16 and older. Patients must be able to participate in 3 hours of rehab a day. Patients must have a confirmed diagnosis of spinal cord injury or disease because of a trauma (fall, car crash) or disease (arthritis, cancer). Our interprofessional health care team has extensive expertise in all aspects of spinal cord rehabilitation and integration into the community.

Our goal is to help patients to become as independent as possible and maximize their functional status in preparation for return to their community.

Our Approach to Care

Our program is an essential link in an individual's continuum of care – from hospital to rehabilitation to their successful return to their community. Patients are fully involved in setting rehab goals, learning about care needs, discharge planning and working hard to progress. The patient is the most important member of our heath care team.

We provide a full range of inpatient, outpatient and follow-up care, including a large number of specialized services and clinics. All of our programming and services at Lyndhurst work together to optimize function and independence.

At Lyndhurst, we are committed to ensuring our program brings together specialized clinical care, education and research innovation. Toronto Rehab researchers are national and international leaders in areas such as bone health for spinal cord patients and the use of innovative technologies to help restore function.

We integrate the latest research into all the care we provide. Our researchers work side by side with our health care teams. Our patients can choose to participate in our research projects – and benefit from discoveries as we make them.

We also share our innovative interventions, clinical practices and technologies with rehabilitation providers across the country and around the world.​​

Health Information

Materials and Resources to Help You

Welcome to Lyndhurst

Visit our Health Information section to find dedicated resources to help you understand your condition. Find the information you're looking for.

  • myUHN Patient Portal
    This website is for patients at University Health Network (UHN) that lets you see your UHN appointments, UHN lab results and UHN reports.
  • Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
    Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCI Ontario) is an integral part of Toronto Rehab's Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program. This community organization is on the 2nd floor of Lyndhurst Centre.
    A representative of SCI Ontario will visit you to arrange an orientation of their services. To learn more about SCI Ontario, visit their website or call them at 416 422 5644 ext. 272 or 1 877 422 1112 ext. 272 or complete the New Client Referral Form.

Patient & Family Services

​You can also find other services throughout UHN. Learn more about patient and family services available throughout UHN​.​

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Our Team Approach to Care

Our patients benefit from the expertise of a wide range of skilled rehabilitation professionals who work together in an interprofessional team. The patient and family are always at the centre of this team. Each health care team member contributes specialized knowledge to the rehab program we provide. Depending on your rehabilitation goals, you may work with the following professionals during your stay:

  • Family practice doctors
  • Physiatrists (doctors who specialize in rehabilitation medicine)
  • Nurses
  • Health​​ care assistants
  • Occupational Therapists and assistants
  • Physiotherapists and assistants
  • Social Workers / Community Service Worker
  • Other doctors, such as urologists
  • Pharmacists
  • Psychologists, Psychometrist, Psychiatrist
  • Respiratory Therapists
  • Spiritual Care Provider
  • Speech language pathologists
  • Therapeutic Recreationists
  • Dietitians

Other team members may include educators, ethicists, students and volunteers.

Additionally, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCI Ontario) is an integral part of Toronto Rehab's Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program.

It's Teamwork Poster. This poster lists all of the areas that your spinal cord injury could affect and who is most involved in helping you with these domains. The blue and red dots indicate who is most involved and who can support you with these goals.

What to Expect

Your Inpatient Stay

In the Spinal Cord Rehab Inpatient Service, a team of health care professionals will care for you during your stay and help you prepare for your discharge.

Note: We have a Zero Tolerance on site for both drugs and alcohol. Patients found with substances may be discharged early.

What to Bring

For your stay, bring the following items. If you forget to bring anything with you or if you arrive in our inpatient unit after transferring from another hospital, a friend or family member can bring the items after you have been admitted.

Documents and Information

  • Health card (OHIP card).
  • Information about private health insurance or other health benefits. If you have private health insurance or receive other health benefits, this may help to cover the cost of preferred accommodation if you request to stay in a semi-private or private room
  • A copy of any advance directive (power of attorney or living will) you may have.
  • Contact details for other health care providers who have been involved in your care to help us ensure continuity in your care.
  • The names, addresses and telephone numbers of your family members, friends or other emergency contacts and your family doctor.


  • A complete list of medications you are currently taking, including prescription medications, non-prescription medications, vitamin or mineral supplements and herbal remedies.
  • Ostomy supplies (if applicable). Bring 1 week's worth of supplies from home, so we have time to order any supplies that you'll need during your stay.
  • If you use any respiratory equipment at home such as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine or bi-level positive airway pressure (BIPAP) machine with tubing(s) and mask(s) you might bring that with you.

Clothing and Personal Items

  • Loose, comfortable clothes to wear during the day that are easy to put on.
  • Clothes to sleep in, such as a nightgown or pajamas and a robe.
  • Socks and comfortable shoes with non-skid rubber soles, such as running shoes. If you have limited movement in your arms or hands, we recommend bringing shoes with Velcro straps.
  • Slippers (rubber soles and closed backs are preferred).
  • Toiletries, such as a toothbrush, tissues or lip and skin moisturizer. Please do not bring any scented products.
  • Electrical supplies such as a razor or blow dryer. Please show your nurse any electrical items you bring, these will need to be checked to make sure they can be used safely in the inpatient service.
  • Hearing aids and batteries, dentures and eyeglasses.
  • Wheelchair, walker or other mobility aids that you already own and use, labelled with your name and phone number. You are not expected to get any mobility aids before you arrive.

You may also want to bring:

  • A cell phone, mobile device and/or a tablet. Free UHN guest wi-fi is available throughout the hospital.
  • Small personal items, such as books or magazines.
  • Headphones so you do not disturb other patients.
  • Anything else that will make your stay more comfortable.

Note: We do not take responsibility for your money or valuables. If you choose to bring them into the hospital, you are doing so at your own risk.

When You Arrive

Your first day may be a little overwhelming. Your health care team will meet you and determine the best way to start your rehab. During the first one or two days you will:

  • Arrive by ambulance and transfer into your hospital bed with the help of the ambulance attendants
  • Meet the nurse, who will ask you questions about your general health and take your vital signs(temperature, blood pressure, pulse, breathing rate)
  • Meet the pharmacist, who will review your medications and any allergies you have
  • Meet the doctor, who will assess your condition and review your medical history
  • Meet the occupational therapist and physiotherapist, who will ask you about your home environment and your physical function. We will provide you a loaner wheelchair. You will be measured so the wheelchair will fit properly.

Other members of your health care team might meet with you during the first few days as needed.

During Your Stay

Your Rehab Experience

Throughout your inpatient stay, you will be as independent as possible and actively participate in your rehab program. We will develop a personalized treatment plan with you and your family to meet your needs and goals. To get the most out of your rehabilitation program, it will be necessary for you to be as active as possible every day. Rehabilitation is different from an acute care hospital, where you may have been for surgery or treatment. Our focus in rehabilitation is helping you learn about your spinal cord injury and become as independent as possible. The program uses evidence-based treatment methods for all aspects of your rehabilitation program. We will encourage you to take full advantage of the resources our service has to offer. There are many opportunities to learn from other patients during your admission.

Monitoring Your Health
Your health care team will see you every day. We will talk with you about how you are doing and answer any questions you may have. If you want to speak with a member of your health care team at any other time, ask the nurse looking after you.
You may have blood tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans or other tests performed during your stay.If we recommend that you have any of these tests, we will tell you why it is important for you and meet with you afterwards to discuss the results.


We encourage you to have family members, friends and other supportive visitors during your stay. You are welcome to meet with visitors in your room, in the common lounge areas and in the visiting areas outdoors.

UHN hospitals offer flexible visiting hours. Learn more about visiting patients at UHN »

UHN's visitor policy has changed in response to COVID-19. There is no access for the public, or for visitors/caregivers who have not been pre-approved by a unit or clinic manager. Please visit our COVID-19 visitor page for our up-to-date visitor guidelines before coming to the hospital.


Throughout our hospital, you and your family and other visitors can find a range of amenities to make your stay more enjoyable and comfortable. The following amenities are available at Lyndhurst:

  • bank machine
  • vending machines with meals, drinks and snacks
  • visitor's lounge on each unit
  • washer and dryer for patient use (please bring your own laundry soap)
  • free wi-fi
  • meditation / spiritual care centre
  • Spinal Cord Connections resource centre


You will have a chance to tell us about your food preferences and allergies when you are admitted to the hospital. This information is kept in your health record. Your meals will take into account your preferences and allergies, as well as the diet plan specified by your doctor.


Let us know if you were taking any medications before your admission. Your care team will monitor all of your medications. They will give you medications at the required time and teach you:

  • The name of the medication
  • Why you need it
  • How much to take
  • When to take it
  • Any side effects it may cause

If you want to know more about your medications, you can ask your pharmacist, doctor or nurse at any time.

How Long Will You Stay?

The length of your stay will be based on your health care team's assessment of your condition, the extent of your injury and your active participation in the rehab program. Soon after you arrive on the unit, we will discuss with you and your family how long you will be staying. You and your family are partners in discharge planning that starts at the beginning of your admission.

Preparing for Your Discharge

We will work with you and your family to start planning early for your discharge to help you make a safe and successful transition to the community.
At the end of your inpatient stay, we will give you any discharge instructions and a prescription for any medications you require.
If you have any questions about your discharge or your care needs before you leave the hospital, please ask a member of your team. We are here to help you.

Hand Washing

It is important to wash your hands well and often while you are in the hospital. Washing your hands will reduce the chances that you will become sick or get an infection.
It's okay to ask your doctor, nurse and other health care providers to wash or sanitize their hands using a gel hand sanitizer before examining you.
You can learn more about infection control at UHN.​

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