
What is TIME™ at Home?

TIME™ at Home is a pre-recorded exercise program hosted by a live virtual facilitator. This 60-minute program includes a seated warm-up and cool down, and 40 minutes of exercise done in standing, practicing movements used in day-to-day life. Exercises have been adapted from the classic in-person TIME™ program to be done safely at home. Opportunity for online social interaction is incorporated before or after each class.

For a quick peek into a TIME™ at Home class, view this 1-minute video:

Information for Participants

Is TIME™ at Home right for you?

TIME™ at Home is best suited for people with balance and mobility challenges, meaning that they may use a cane or walker to get around and find it harder to walk in the community but can walk 10 or more meters. This program is not suited for individuals who need help from another person while standing, walking, or getting up from a chair.

When following along with the exercise video, participants will need to self-pace and self-select the exercises that are at the right level for them. Participants will also need some basic equipment at home, including a sturdy chair for sitting, hand support for balance (such as a countertop), and a non-slip step or target using items from around the home. Participants will also need an email address and reliable internet access in order to join the classes from their computer or tablet.

How to Find a Program

The MS Society of Canada offers the TIME™ at Home program to participants living across Canada. Due to its popularity and demand, class sizes can exceed 20 participants and registration priority will be given to people living with MS. People with other health conditions can still register if space is available. To register, please visit their website, or call the MS navigators at 1 844 859 6789.

Several of our classic TIME™ sites expanded to include TIME™ at Home as part of their programming. Please inquire within your existing program to see if this is available at your site, or reach out to us at

NEW: Opportunity to join TIME at Home for FREE through the RCM Active Together Pilot

What is the RCM Active Together – TIME at Home Pilot?

The Toronto Grace Remote Care Monitoring (RCM) - Active Together aims to provide physical and social wellness virtually for clients with mobility and/or balance challenges. Through collaboration with Toronto Rehab's TIME™ program, RCM – Active Together will be hosting the TIME™ at Home program for free as part of their virtual programming pilot.

Who is eligible for The RCM Active Together TIME™ at Home Pilot?

  • Must be able to walk independently without help from another person for 10 meters with or without a mobility device, such as a cane, walker, poles, etc.
  • Able to follow verbal and visual instructions.
  • Able to navigate and access technology, or have a support person who would be able to assist.
  • Must qualify for falls/emergency alert pendant through RCM.

Should I sign up if I missed the Pilot Deadline?

YES, you should still sign up! Referrals will be accepted on a rolling basis. Even if you miss the first cycle of TIME at Home classes, clients who meet all eligibility criteria may be enrolled in the next upcoming TIME™ at Home cycle.

What if I want to enroll in the program, but don't have the RCM falls/emergency alert pendant?

To enroll a client who does NOT currently have a falls/emergency pendant through the RCM program, please complete the RCM form available at Toronto Grace Health Centre Remote Care Monitoring Intake Referral Form and indicate "TIME™ at HOME" in the reason for referral.

How do I apply/refer someone to the RCM - Active Together TIME at Home?

Contact: Alexandra Chen, RCM-Active Together Lead at
Include in the Subject line: TIME at HOME

Information for Community Partners and Healthcare Professionals

With this virtual delivery model

  • The exercises can remain consistent from class to class, in keeping with the evidence-based classic TIME™ program where repeated practice of functional movements is most beneficial.
  • Participants are to self-pace and self-select from the standardized TIME™ exercises.
  • Social interaction (structured or unstructured) can be built in before or after each class.
  • Facilitators for TIME™at Home do not need to be certified fitness instructors.
  • Facilitators will participate in a 90-minute training session with the TIME™ team.

If you are interested in running TIME™ at Home, please view this 3-minute informational video about the license

To purchase the TIME™ at Home license, please click on the button below. If you have any questions, please email

Purchase the TIME™ at Home license

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