About Us


Toronto Rehab – Lyndhurst

Lyndhurst Outpatient Orientation Guide 
This guide will help you prepare and know what to expect for specialty clinic and therapy appointments.


Spinal Cord Outpatient Services
Phone: 416 597 3422 ext. 6591

Referral Fax: 416 597 7042



Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm











Please note that only physicians may send a referral. Please fax the following when referring your patient:

  • The referral form
  • ​Diagnostic imaging reports
  • Consultation reports
  • List of medication(s)
  • Any supporting documents that would help with the initial assessment

Our office will call the patient with information about the patient's first appointment.

Admission Criteria

To be eligible for Outpatient Services at Lyndhurst, you will

  • Have a diagnosis of a spinal cord injury or disease
  • Be able to participate in treatment and have specific rehab goals you can achieve
  • Be able to direct your own care or have someone to assist you with it
  • Have access to a family doctor to monitor your health needs during therapy
  • Have reliable transportation to get to and from appointments
  • Be able to get to all your appointments at Lyndhurst independently

Additional referral forms or supporting documents that may be needed:

Please note that clinic appointments may be virtual visits. The clinic team will let you know what type of appointment is appropriate for your care. Learn more about virtual visits at UHN »

What We Do

Rehabilitation Services

​​​We offer a wide range of services to outpatients with spinal cord injuries and diseases. A registered nurse provides guidance and education on health issues for people living in the community, while an occupational therapist helps break down the barriers that keep outpatients from carrying out and enjoying every day activities.

A physiotherapist assists patients in maximizing their physical function, balance, transfers and wheelchair skills. We also have access to Therapeutic Recreation when outpatients may need help to increase their independence through leisure activities. A dietitian can check nutritional needs and provide education and support on healthy eating. Rehab medicine doctors (also called Physiatrists) help outpatients prevent and manage complications, a social worker can help outpatients and families cope and get back into the community, plan for the future and find resources. A speech language pathologist will also identify and treat swallowing and communication disorders as a result of spinal cord injury or disease.

Specialty Clinics

The Assistive Technology Service
Provides assessment and training for patients with special devices to meet writing needs at home, work or school. Our speech language pathologists also work closely with patients in need of voice recognition software.

The Bone Density Service
Specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and study of osteoporosis in patients with spinal cord injury or other neurological impairments.

The Gynecology Clinic
Provides gynecological care to women with impaired mobility. Services include routine pelvic examinations, counselling on fertility issues, pregnancy, menstrual irregularities and menopause.

The Robson Clinic
Provides urological care to diagnose, manage and prevent urological dysfunction. We also offer consultation on sexuality and fertility issues to male patients.

The Seating Clinic
Makes assessments and prescriptions for patients' wheelchair mobility and seating needs.

The Skin and Wound Management Clinic
Provides care and education for preventing and managing pressure ulcers. ​

The Intrathecal Baclofen (ITB) Clinic
Uses Intrathecal Baclofen Pump therapy to provide special care for patients with spasticity who do not respond to standard treatment. (ITB Referral FormPDF icon image)

Neurophysiology Clinic
EMG Clinic supports the diagnosis and management of peripheral nerve disorders, such as nerve injuries, pinched nerves in the neck or back, neuropathy and nerve problems in the hands or feet that are related to illnesses. (Neurophysiology Clinic Referral FormPDF icon image)

Health Information

Materials and Resources to Help You

Visit our Health Information section to find dedicated resources to help you understand your condition. Find the information you're looking for.

Resources from Our Service

  • Welcome to Lyndhurst: Outpatient Services PDF Icon
    A guide that explains what to expect and how to prepare for your Outpatient appointment.
  • Spinal Cord Essentials – Patient and Family Education Resources
    All handouts can be found online in a variety of languages.
  • myUHN Patient Portal
    This website is for patients at University Helath Network (UHN) that lets you see your UHN appointments, UHN lab results and UHN reports.
  • Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
    Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCI Ontario) is an integral part of Toronto Rehab's Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program. This community organization is on the 2nd floor of Lyndhurst Centre.
    A representative of SCI Ontario will visit you to arrange an orientation of their services. To learn more about SCI Ontario, visit their website or call them at 416 422 5644 ext. 272 or 1 877 422 1112 ext. 272 or complete the New Client Referral Form.

Our Team

Meet Our Team

​​​​Our health care team has extensive expertise in all aspects of spinal cord rehabilitation and integration into the community. Our team includes:

  • Nurses
  • Neurologist
  • Occupational Therapists and assistants
  • Physiotherapists and assistants
  • Physiatrists (doctors who specialize in rehabilitation medicine)
  • Physicians (Neurology, Gynecology and Urology)
  • Social workers

We also have access to Dietitians, Recreation Therapy, Respiratory Therapy and Speech Language Pathologists based your needs and goals.

What to Expect

Your Outpatient Visit

What to Expect

We will contact you with information about your first appointment.

What to Bring

Some of these items might be helpful when you come for your appointment. Our clinic or your referring doctor will let you know what you must bring.

  • Your referring doctor may have given you a CD or DVD of previous imaging results (like x-rays, CT scans or MRIs). If so, it is very important to bring this CD or DVD with you.
  • List of all medications you are taking, including prescriptions, over-the-counter, vitamins or mineral supplements and herbal remedies.
  • Medications that you need to take during the day.
  • Notes about any changes in your condition since your last visit.
  • If you need assistance while you are at your appointment, you can bring an Essential Care Partner with you. This person must stay with you during your appointment.
  • A list of related doctors and hospitals you’ve seen in the past who may have information about your current treatment.
  • A list of questions to help you remember everything you want to ask.

When You Arrive

Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your appointment.

When you arrive, you will sign in with the receptionist. You will need your health card (OHIP card) to sign-in. If you do not have an OHIP card, please bring another form of government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport.

You will wait in the Outpatient reception area for any specialty clinic appointments and the Outpatient waiting area in the lobby for therapy appointment.

How Long Will Your Appointment Be?

Specialty Clinic appointments
Your first appointment might be 1-2 hours. First appointments can take longer than follow-up appointments. Follow-up appointments usually take 15 to 30 minutes.

Therapy appointments
Appointments with a therapist are 45 minutes.

We do everything we can to stay on time for all appointments but sometimes unforeseen circumstances may delay the start time.

Before You Leave

At the end of every appointment, a member of your health care team will tell you about your next visit. Be sure you understand what is going to happen next. For example, know the time and place of your next visit or if someone will call you with this information.

If you are unsure about what your next steps are, please ask a member of your team. We are here to help you.

Information about your next appointment is also on the myUHN Patient Portal.

About Phone Calls

We understand that reaching us by phone can sometimes be difficult. Often our phone lines are busy or are answered by a message centre so our staff can prepare for clinic visits or help other patients. We make every effort to return your call within 24 hours. Our staff will try to reach you 2 times. If we are not able to reach you directly, you may need to call us again.

If you would prefer to use email communication please tell our reception or a member of your care team and we will add it to your file.

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