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PM Alumni Network

Cancer is a significant and growing problem for health systems. There is a need for global solidarity and collaboration to build comprehensive cancer programming.

Past trainees and staff members are invited to join the Princess Margaret Alumni Network on PM Connects.

PM Connects is a new platform for Princess Margaret alumni and current staff to connect. It is a global hub for sharing experiences, leveraging resources, learning from each other and innovating for next-level care.

On the PM Connects platform, you can:

  • Connect - Interact with a network of professional contacts.
  • Give back - Introduce, employ or mentor.
  • Expand - Leverage your professional network to get introduced to people you should know, access exclusive resources and discover new opportunities and events.
PM Connects logo

To join, go to PM Connects and create an account.

For more information about PM Connects and the PM Alumni Network, please email

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The Princess Margaret Alumni Award

The Princess Margaret Alumni Award launched in 2022 to celebrate the achievements of PM Alumni in advocacy, cancer control, academic research, innovation or education.

Award Winners


Photo of Jonathan Ledermann

Prof. Jonathan A Ledermann, MD, FRCP, FMedSci
Professor of Medical Oncology, University College London

Dr. Jonathan Ledermann is a global authority in the field of gynecologic cancer, with experience in designing and leading several national and international clinical trials focused on targeted therapies, personalized medicine and immunotherapy for gynaecological cancer. His research and clinical efforts have changed the paradigm of care in these cancers and his efforts today continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge and practice.

Dr. Ledermann completed a clinical research fellowship in medical oncology at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre from 1987-1988, with a focus on the treatment of gynecological cancers. It was through his fellowship that Dr. Ledermann established a firm interest in gynecological oncology, leading exceptional contributions to research in the field of gynecological cancer for over 35 years.


Photo of Christophe Le Tourneau

Prof. Christophe Le Tourneau, MD, PhD
Medical Oncologist, Institut Curie and Professor of Medicine, Paris-Saclay University

Christophe Le Tourneau spent a two-year Clinical Research Fellowship at the Princess Margaret from 2007 to 2009. During this time, he completed and published nine manuscripts. Upon completion of his fellowship, Dr. Le Tourneau returned to Paris, France where he successfully established a Phase I Clinical Trials unit and became leader of the Head and Neck Oncology Unit at the Institut Curie. The knowledge and skill sets he acquired during his time at the Princess Margaret have enabled him to gain recognition in the field and initiate many new ideas and concepts. During his fellowship, he was exposed to multidisciplinary collaborations and this experience has enabled him to endorse team science throughout his research career.

Dr. Le Tourneau is now senior Medical Oncologist at the Institut Curie and Professor of Medicine at Paris-Saclay University. He heads the Department of Drug Development and Innovation as well as the Head and Neck Clinic. Dr. Le Tourneau also leads the early phase clinical trials program of the Institut Curie. His main interests are precision medicine, phase I clinical trials with a special attention at the methodology to conduct these trials, as well as Head and Neck oncology. Dr. Le Tourneau leads several precision medicine projects at the national and international level. He has published 170+ peer-reviewed papers in international journals.

Inaugural Princess Margaret Alumni Award, 2022:

Photo of Peter Selby

Prof. Peter Selby, CBE DSc MD FRCP FRCR FACP (UK) FMedSci
Emeritus Professor of Cancer Medicine, University of Leeds and Visiting Professor University of Lincoln UK

Prof. Selby was a research fellow at the Princess Margaret in the early 1980’s and has always credited his experience here as a key stimulus for his ongoing commitment to cancer research. He had an illustrious career in cancer research as Professor of Cancer Medicine at the University of Leeds and went on to hold multiple leadership positions in the UK and Europe. Prof. Selby’s work on promoting universal access to clinical research in the UK and Canada led to the recognition of clinical trials as a powerful way of improving cancer outcomes. He was one of the main architects of the European Code of Cancer Practice, a citizen and patient-centred manifesto of the core requirements for good clinical cancer practice, published in 2021.

Prof. Selby continues to work with the European Cancer Organisation and the European School of Oncology to promote strategic approaches to improving cancer outcomes and train a new generation of oncologists. With a career that has spanned clinical research, education, academic leadership and cancer system leadership in the United Kingdom, Europe and Canada, Prof. Selby remains an example of what can be achieved by one person with talent, integrity, perseverance and dedication to patients.

Nomination Instructions

Former PM trainees and staff who have been alumni for 10 years or more are eligible for this award. Nominees do not need to be current members of the PM Alumni Network. Joint submissions are welcomed. Self-nomination will not be accepted.

The nomination package must include:

  1. Nomination letter (2-page maximum) detailing how the nominee has contributed to cancer control, cancer advocacy, academic or educational innovations in cancer. The nomination letter must:
    • Explain how the nominee's time at the Princess Margaret impacted their career and the contribution they are being nominated for
    • Demonstrate breadth and depth of their contribution
    • Describe clinical impact
  2. Short CV or biosketch for the nominee (2-page maximum)
  3. Two (2) supporting letters attesting to nominee's contribution

Nominations for 2024 are now closed. Check back spring 2025.​

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Last reviewed: 9/11/2024
Last modified: 9/12/2024 6:26 AM
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