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A Study to Investigate Safety and Tolerability of TransCon IL-2 β/γ Alone or in Combination With Pembrolizumab and/or TransCon TLR7/8 Agonist or Other Anticancer Therapies in Adult Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumor Malignancies

TransCon IL-2 β/γ is an investigational drug being developed for treatment of locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors. This is a first-in-human, open-label, Phase 1/2, dose escalation and dose expansion study of TransCon IL-2 β/γ as monotherapy or in combination therapy in adult participants with advanced or metastatic solid tumors. Given the unique PK profile enabled by the TransCon technology, TransCon IL-2 β/γ presents the opportunity to enhance the therapeutic index of current IL-2 therapy.

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Last modified: 8/16/2023 10:09 AM
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