UHN Newsletters and Mailing Lists

​​​'CASL' The New Canadian Anti-Spam Law

A new Canadian law came into force on July 1, 2014 regulating commercial electronic messaging. Known as Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation ('CASL'), it is widely considered the toughest law of its kind in the world. Unless one of the exclusion applies to a commercial electronic message ('CEM'), CASL requires express or implied consent in order to send CEM.

What is UHN doing to comply?

UHN is asking all departments to examine outgoing email traffic to identify high-risk areas and put compliance measures in place.

Due to the broad nature of this definition, UHN is focusing initially on two categories of emails:

  1. Emails being sent with the purpose of advertising, promoting, licensing or selling goods, services or business opportunities where the goods, services or business opportunities are not free; and
  2. Mass emails which may have a commercial aspect

How can you unsubscribe?

If you would like to be removed from a foundation mailing list, please connect with the foundation directly (contact details below).

If you would like to unsubscribe from UHN career alerts, please email

If you feel you have received an email from UHN of a commercial nature and would like to be removed from the sender's mailing list, please do one of the following:

  1. Follow any unsubscribe process the sender has included in their email;
  2. Where no unsubscribe process has been included, reply to the sender and type “unsubscribe” in the subject line; OR
  3. Forward the sender's email to and type “unsubscribe” in the subject line.

Please note that we are unable to automatically unsubscribe individuals from all UHN mailing lists.

The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

Telephone: 416 946 2114

Please include your first name, last name, address and email address to assist in expediting your request.

For additional information, please visit our Questions & Answers page.

UHN Foundation (formerly Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation and Toronto Rehab Foundation)

Telephone: 416 340 3935

For additional information, please visit our Privacy Policy page.

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