​About Michener

The Michener Institute of Education at UHN is Canada's only post-secondary institution devoted exclusively to health sciences education. It has more than 85,000 graduates who serve a vital role in the country's health care sector in fields such as medical radiation sciences and imaging, primary and critical care and medical laboratory sciences. Michener programs combine theory, laboratory practice and clinical education. It has over 5,000 full-time, part-time and continuing education students in 18 academic programs, many of which are unique to Ontario and Canada.

Michener Building  

Education Programs at Michener

Contact Michener

Michener Institute
222 St. Patrick Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1V4

Phone: 416 596 3101
Toll-Free Phone: 1 800 387 9066 (within Canada, outside the Greater Toronto Area)

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