About Us


Toronto Western Hospital
East Wing – 9th Floor



Phone (main): 416 603 5349


Phone: 416 603 5025
Fax: 416 603 5215


Monday – Friday
9:30 am – 5:30 pm











Referrals for this clinic are processed by UHN's Centre for Mental Health Central Intake Referral system. Submit the completed form via fax (416 603 5215). The form will be reviewed to ensure that it is complete; if incomplete, the form will be returned to you. Please note that only Primary Care Providers (PCP) including physicians and nurse practitioners may send a referral.

After you have referred your patient, our admin team will contact the patient directly with the appointment information. Information about the appointment will also be sent to your office as per the CPSO guidelines.

Who is eligible?

Patients between the ages of 18-64 experiencing mood disorders (anxiety, depression, bipolar), OCD, PTSD, psychotic disorders (psychosis, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder) and who would like to receive service in Cantonese, Mandarin or English.

Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we cannot accept referrals involving active litigation (including but not limited to MVAs and WSIB), consultations for the purpose of submitting information for immigration-related issues, disability applications or forensic assessments. Additionally, referrals primarily concerning ADHD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or developmental delay will not be accepted. Contact our central referral intake office if you are unsure as to whether or not a referral is appropriate.

Please note that clinic appointments may be virtual visits. The clinic team will let you know what type of appointment is appropriate for your care. Learn more about virtual visits at UHN »

What We Do

The Asian Initiative in Mental Health (AIM) provides comprehensive psychiatric assessment and treatment for people of Chinese background with mental illness. One of our clinic components, the Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) program, provides dedicated services to those experiencing their first episode of psychosis as well as those who care for them. Our services are tailored to the language and cultural backgrounds of our patients and their families.

Our services include:

  • Comprehensive assessment
  • Education for patients and families
  • Pharmacological therapy, psychotherapy and counselling
  • Community support and outreach (Early Intervention Program only)
  • Crisis prevention and management
  • Intervention to assist with patients' basic needs, such as food, housing, clothing, health care and social welfare
  • Help with navigating around language and culture barriers to access mental health care services
  • Help for patients in accessing work, recreation and educational activities

Asian Initiative in Mental Health (AIM) (Cantonese, Mandarin & English)

AIM is an adult (ages 18-64) outpatient community mental health program at the Centre for Mental Health of UHN. It serves individuals residing in ​​Greater Toronto and adjacent areas who need mental health services in Cantonese or Mandarin or those who need services sensitive to Chinese culture. Our goal is to enhance the mental health, well-being and quality of life of individuals and families through culturally and linguistically appropriate interventions, including psychoeducation, assessment, and treatment. We do not provide acute crisis intervention. Our team consists of psychiatrists, clinicians and administrative staff who are fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. AIM services are voluntary and covered by OHIP.

All service referrals must be made by a primary care physician using UHN's Centre for Mental Health Central Intake Referral form . There is a waitlist for services and we strive to provide timely access according to prioritized needs.

Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) (Mandarin & English)

EIP is a specialized, time-limited (3 years in duration) fast-response program of AIM. Individuals from the Chinese community between the ages of 16 and 45 residing in the Greater Toronto area and vicinities who have experienced their first episode of psychosis and have not received adequate treatment for more than a year are eligible.

We accept self, family and/or professional referrals and anyone can call 416 603 5025 and speak with our EIP staff. Professional referrals can be made using UHN's Centre for Mental Health Central Intake Referral form . The EIP team consists of a psychiatrist and two mental health clinicians who can provide services in Mandarin and English.

EIP services include an initial comprehensive assessment, ongoing case management and treatment including pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions. Services are tailored to address the specific psychiatric, psychosocial and functional needs and challenges of the individual. EIP services also include psychoeducation, support and care for the family members/caregivers who provide care to the sick family member. EIP services are voluntary and covered by OHIP.

Group programs (Cantonese & Mandarin)

Journey to Healing (J2H)

J2H is a 10-week interactive psychoeducational group using a holistic approach to promote mental health awareness, recovery, and resilience for those who are interested in learning about the mind-body connection, stress management and strategies to improve their general mental well-being. Group activities include discussions, guest speaker presentations, physical/mindful exercises and group sharing. The group runs twice a year in Cantonese and Mandarin and rotates through downtown and uptown locations in Toronto and/or virtual. We accept referrals from primary care physicians or community psychiatrists and must be made using UHN's Centre for Mental Health Central Intake Referral form . Individuals in the community who are interested can approach their physician and have them complete the referral form. The J2H group services are free and covered by OHIP. Please call the Central Intake Team at 416 603 5025 for a specific group schedule.

Integrated Behavioural Group Therapy (IBGT)

IBGT is a 12-week treatment group for adults over 18 who have suffered from depression, anxiety, psychosis and other symptoms including insomnia and pain. The group design incorporates both Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) along with mindfulness. Group activities include presentations, discussions and exercises tailored to address specific mood and behavioural issues. The mood group runs three times a year in Cantonese and Mandarin rotating through uptown and downtown locations in Toronto and/or virtual. These groups will be run weekly on a weekday over 12 weeks. The psychosis group runs once or twice a year depending on demand. Please call the Central Intake Team at 416 603 5025 for a specific group schedule.

Referrals must be made using UHN's Centre for Mental Health Central Intake Referral form by primary care physicians or community psychiatrists, as well as internally through the AIM program and Hong Fook Mental Health Association. Services are voluntary and are covered by OHIP.

How to Prepare

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.

Our Team

Meet Our Team

The Asian Initiative in Mental Health Clinic has a Chinese-speaking psychiatrist and Chinese-speaking mental health clinicians. The service is available in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

Andrea Sharp


Clinical Director: Dr. Kenneth Fung

Program Psychiatrist: Dr. Nancy Lin


  • Yammie Leung
  • Sylvia Li
  • Sally Hsu
  • Jian Yang
  • Joanna Zhao
  • Li-fen Hung
  • Patrick Tsang

Administrative Support

  • Regina Hung
  • Jessica Shanthakumar (Physician Admin)
  • Windy Tang​

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