​​​​​​We are Canada's largest and most experienced group of pathologists. The staff's commitment to research, teaching and clinical services keeps them at the forefront of oncology, transplant, cardiovascular and neuroscience diagnostics.

Our pathologists have access to many integrated techniques, including advanced cytology, automated histology, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, electron microscopy, cancer cytogenetics, and molecular diagnostics. These resources enable our team to provide opinions that meet the level of sophistication required by our clients.

Services range from consultations that provide diagnostic advice on complex cases, to routine interpretation of tests, collaborative diagnosis, and technical services.

Our areas of expertise include breast pathology, cardiovascular pathology, cytopathology, dermatopathology, endocrine pathology, gastrointestinal and hepatic pathology, genitourinary pathology, gynecologic pathology, head and neck pathology, hematopathology, neuropathology, pulmonary pathology and renal pathology.

LMP is also home to the largest histocompatibility laboratory (HLA) in Canada and provides testing in support of transplant programs at the Hospital for Sick Children, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto General Hospital and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.​

Tests and Consultations


  • Fine Needle Aspiration with Morphologic, Proteomic and Genomic Tumour Analyses
  • Liquid Based Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV Testing

Electron Microscopy

  • Routine and specialized services, offering digitized images

Histocompatibility Lab​

  • Cytotoxic studies
  • HLA studies for solid organ and bone marrow transplants
  • HLA-B27 assays


  • Immunohistochemistry for Routine and Esoteric Markers
  • Immunofluorescence, specializing in renal and skin studies

Cancer Cytogenetics

  • Classical cytogenetics
  • Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH)

Molecular Diagnostics

  • Full Oncology services
  • DNA and RNA Analysis Including Southern Blot, PCR/RT-PCR, and Quantitative PCR
  • Tissue Identification Analysis


  • Animal and human tissue studies
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