About Us


Toronto Western Hospital
West Wing – 2nd Floor​


Phone: 416 603 5232

Referral Fax: 416 603 6402


Clinic Hours
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Office Hours
​Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm











​​​Now accepting Ocean eReferrals

This clinic is now accepting referrals through Ocean eReferral to help everyone save time and increase efficiency.

For urgent referrals, please fax the referral to 416 603 6402 and mark it urgent. Call 416 603 5232 and let the clinic know that you have sent an urgent referral.

Please note that only physicians may send a referral. Please send an Ocean eReferral or fax the following to 416 603 6402 when referring your patient:

  • A referral letter
  • Clinical notes
  • Relevant imaging

Our office will call the referring physician with information about the patient's first appointment. The referring physician's office is responsible for providing the patient with the appointment information, including time and location, and important documents, test results and imaging that they must bring.

Please note that clinic appointments may be virtual visits. The clinic team will let you know what type of appointment is appropriate for your care. Learn more about virtual visits at UHN »

What We Do

Neuro-ophthalmology concerns disorders of brain, nerves and muscles that affect vision. It covers a wide variety of conditions that fall at the border of neurology and ophthalmology. Five of the 12 cranial nerves in the head serve vision. The clinic assess visual problems affecting the pathways carrying visual signals to the brain and those which move the eyes.

Conditions Treated

Some of the symptoms of neuro-ophthalmologic conditions include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Visual loss
  • Unequal pupils
  • Double vision
  • Eyelid problems
  • Eye pain​

How to Prepare

Your first appointment can take 2 hours or more. Follow-up appointments usually take 15 to 30 minutes.

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.​

Health Information

Materials and Resources to Help You

Visit our health information section.​

Our Team

Meet Our Team

​​​​​The Neuro-ophthalmology Clinic offers diagnostic and treatment services for more than 3,500 ambulatory patients a year. Our team and consulting scientists at the University of Toronto provide patients with comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of neuro-otology and neuro-ophthalmology disorders for patients complaining of loss of vision, visual disturbances caused by eye movement abnormalities and vertigo or balance difficulty.


  • Dr. Felix Tyndel, Neurologist
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