About Us


Toronto Western Hospital
West Wing – 2nd Floor​


Clinic Phone: 416 603 5800 ext. 5232

Referral Fax: 416 603 5768

Office Phone: 416 603 5927
Rachelle, Administrative Assistant – for administrative matters

Registered Nurse: 416 603 5800 ext. 2446
Chari Anor – for patient-related matters

NOTE: Please note that Dr. Andrade splits her time between clinical work (seeing patients), teaching and research in order to provide cutting-edge,​ world-class patient care in her areas of expertise. Due to the research component, there are some weeks over the year where no clinics are held. We do have nurse practitioners and a fellow assisting and covering for Dr. Andrade and they can provide some support and refills for prescriptions.


9:00 am – 12:00 pm

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

If you need to contact us, we are available
Monday – Thursday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

9:00 am – 12:00 pm











Now accepting Ocean eReferrals

This clinic is now accepting referrals through Ocean eReferral to help everyone save time and increase efficiency.

For urgent referrals, please contact Dr. Danielle Andrade directly either by phone or confidential email defining the nature of the urgency.

Please note that only physicians may send a referral. Please send an Ocean eReferral or fax the following when referring your patient:

  • The referral form with details of the epilepsy history
  • A copy of clinical notes, EEG, MRI, Genetic testing results, MEG, PET, metabolic tests, surgical conference and pathology when appropriate
  • For patients coming from pediatric care, please also add a list with all other specialties following the patient in the pediatric system and their equivalents in the adult system, indicating whether a referral has been completed
  • Complete patient demographics
  • Please indicate if the patient's first language is other than English, and whether a translator is required
  • Signed request for Release of Information, with a list of locations where records may be found

Our office will call the referring physician with information about the patient's first appointment. The referring physician's office is responsible for providing the patient with the appointment information, including time and location, and important documents, test results and imaging that they must bring.

Additional referral forms or supporting documents that may be needed:

Please note that clinic appointments may be virtual visits. The clinic team will let you know what type of appointment is appropriate for your care. Learn more about virtual visits at UHN »

What We Do

The KNC Epilepsy Genetics Clinic specializes in the diagnosis and management of genetically determined epilepsies (even if after initial investigation the culprit gene(s) could not be determined) and familial epilepsies. The approach involves comprehensive testing to identify the root cause and the development of a treatment plan that may include medication, neuromodulation, epilepsy-specific diet treatment, or surgical resection of the affected area. Patients who are seen by Dr. Andrade's group have access to cutting-edge genetic research that may help determine the cause of their epilepsy and inform the best care plan.

Tests & Services

  • The initial consult may last 1 to 2 hours. During this first visit, we will review the previous medical records, treatments and responses to treatment. We will also review the family history of epilepsy and other diseases.
  • Depending on your initial evaluation, an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), MRI and/or SPECT scans may be ordered.
  • Patients may also require a routine, sleep-deprived or ambulatory EEG. In some cases, a stay in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) will be indicated.
  • Genetic tests may be ordered to evaluate the type of epilepsy. Many of these are done out-of-country requiring special authorization for financial coverage through provincial health care.
  • Patients may be invited to participate in research studies, with a focus on understanding the genetic causes of epilepsy or the correlation between genetics and the clinical manifestations of epilepsy or its response to treatment.

How to Prepare

Please track your seizures; record the number of seizures, how long they lasted, their frequency, intensity and duration. Bring your journal to each appointment. This can be recorded in any journal or you may ask us for a Seizure Diary.

Although the initial consultation needs to be done in person, follow-up visits may be arranged through Telehealth. Talk to your clinical team about whether this option would be appropriate for you.

Your first appointment can take 2 hours or more. Follow-up appointments usually take 15 to 30 minutes.

Many of our patients travel great distances to be seen. It is your responsibility to determine whether you qualify for travel grants. Appropriate travel grants to come to the Epilepsy Genetics Clinic will be signed by Dr. Andrade. Please note that you must sign the consent portion/authorization on the form before we can complete it. The cost for completion of this form is covered by provincial health care.

If you have other forms to be completed (insurance, Disability Tax Credit, Ministry of Transportation Driver Assessment, etc.) please ensure that you have entered the demographic portion (name, address, etc.) as well as signed the consent portion of the form before forwarding this to us for completion. Please note that the cost for completion of some of these forms is not covered by other sources (e.g., Provincial health care). If you are unsure whether or not the cost associated with the completion of the form is covered, please ask the administrative assistant, Rachelle, at 416 603 5927.

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.​

Health Information

Materials and Resources to Help You

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Medical Director: Dr. Danielle M. Andrade​

Epilepsy Genetics Fellow: Dr. Paula Marques

Nurse Practitioner: Yuting Ding

Registered Nurse: Chari Anor

Administrative Assistant: Rachelle Foster

Social Worker: Carol La Fleur

Research Associate: Quratulain Zulfiqar Ali

Research Assistant: Monica Duong

Research Analyst: Farah Qaiser

Graduate Students: Arunan Selvarajah, Marlene Rong

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