Stay tuned for 17-year-old Adriana Lombardo's story this Wednesday, Feb. 4. This December, she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia – but she insists her cancer chose the 'wrong body to fight with'. (Photo: Adriana Lombardo)
Cancer is 'not beyond us'.
This is the theme of this year's
World Cancer Day campaign, an international day founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).
According to the Canadian Cancer Society, an estimated 22 Canadians were diagnosed with cancer every hour in 2014. World Cancer Day brings attention to the fact cancer is increasing in frequency, despite being a preventable disease.
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Stay tuned this week
This Wednesday, Feb. 4, Adriana Lombardo shares her story in a short video detailing what it's like for a 17-year-old to be diagnosed with cancer. She speaks candidly about her diagnosis, hair loss and how this experience has changed her.
Also this week, The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation (The PMCF) is raising awareness of World Cancer Day with the #NoHairSelfie (#NHS) social media campaign.
Dawn Murphy (L) "makes a face" at cancer with her daughter and husband on her last day of chemotherapy. Dawn is an advocate of the #nohairselfie movement. (Photo: Dawn Murphy)
Click here to read Dawn's story.
Amongst a variety of side effects, cancer patients can experience hair loss due to chemotherapy treatment. In response, the #NHS campaign invites participants to physically shave their head or to undergo a "virtual shave" using the free #NHS mobile app to show solidarity for patients undergoing treatments.
In 2015,
the app was featured in the Apple iTunes store as one of its "Best New Apps."
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