This week is Smoking Cessation Week. With the help of the UHN Outpatient Pharmacies and Wellness you can find support for your smoking cessation journey. Learn more about the resources available to help you towards a healthier lifestyle.
What is the
Outpatient Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program?
Outpatient Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program offers a structured one-on-one quit smoking support from a Certified Smoking Cessation Pharmacist. This complimentary service is available on-site at participating UHN Outpatient Pharmacies and offers convenient access to prescription smoking cessation aids and a variety of nicotine replacement products.
The structured program includes nine points of contact at regular intervals over a 1-year period, including an in-depth initial consultation and readiness assessment, followed by seven regularly scheduled follow-up counselling sessions.
What services are available?
This program provides:
A personalized assessment of their health and smoking history to help them better understand their triggers for smoking and improve their motivation to quit.
Quit Plan, including information about quit smoking aids and medications, as well as tips on overcoming any potential barriers to quitting during their quit journey.
A detailed follow-up strategy, which can include one-on-one appointments with a Certified Smoking Cessation Pharmacist, telephone calls and emails to help clients stay on track.
Why should staff and patients be aware of the program?
To date, with the support of a Certified Smoking Cessation Pharmacist, many UHN patients have already made important steps toward a healthier lifestyle and a successful quit!
This year, the
UHN Wellness Program is pleased to announce that they will be partnering with UHN Outpatient Pharmacies to further expand this service to UHN employees who may be interested in quitting smoking. Improved availability and accessibility to valuable health programs is an important way to promote and support the health and wellness of UHN staff.
This is a complimentary program available to all UHN patients, family members and employees, regardless of drug coverage status.
Why is this important?
"Many clients make quit attempts on their own, but fail due to lack for support and advice from healthcare professionals", says Dr. Rima Styra, UHN psychiatrist, smoking cessation expert and physician lead for the UHN Outpatient Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program.
"The benefits of quitting smoking are numerous – better health, no second-hand smoke for children and family, few problems during pregnancy, lower cancer risk, improved breathing and overall well-being." Dr. Styra says. "The convenience of an on-site pharmacy smoking cessation program could greatly add to the motivation and possible success of clients throughout their quit process."
Where can staff or patients find more information?
For more information about the
Outpatient Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program, contact
To book an appointment with a Certified Smoking Cessation Pharmacist, call:
14 -Q-U-I-T
["7-8-4-8"] to connect with the
Toronto General Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy
(located at TGH 1st Floor – Norman Urquhart Wing, beside Tim Horton's)
13 -Q-U-I-T
["7-8-4-8"] to connect with the
Toronto Western Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy
(located at TWH Main Atrium, Shoppers Drug Mart)