UHN's Facebook Page, launched in June 2010, is managed by the Public Affairs & Communications Department and includes links to UHN stories in the news, events or conferences our staff speak at and other organization-wide initiatives. The page has over 60 followers, 40 of which are active users, meaning they regularly check the page for updates.
A Message from Nicole Bodnar, Public Affairs Associate:
"We're just beginning to realize the full potential of Facebook and how we can use it to interact with new, diverse audiences, including reporters, patients, and families. Close to 70 per cent of UHN staff have a Facebook profile so we thought we'd extend our communications to this new medium. Web 1.0 communications just don't cut it anymore!"
How does it work?
Individuals who have their own Facebook profile can choose to "like" the UHN Facebook page in order to receive updates on UHN related news and events in their news feed.
Where can I find the UHN Facebook account?
Facebook is currently blocked at UHN so for staff who are logging into Facebook from home, type University Health Network into the search function and select University Health Network – Non-Profit Organization. Or just go directly to www.facebook.com/UniversityHealthNetwork.