​UHN on the Go is our monthly feature highlighting news and events at UHN.

Caring Safely Faculty from across UHN recognized​

Katrina Longfield
Katrina Longfield, (back to camera) a UHN staff member and volunteer Caring Safely Faculty member, greets (L to R) Janet Newton, Toronto Western Hospital Vice-President and Site Lead, Dr. Charlie Chan, UHN Interim President & CEO, Dr. Joy Richards, Vice-President, Health Professions and Chief Nurse Executive, and Mike Nader, EVP & Chief Operating Officer, at Caring Safely Faculty Appreciation Event. (Photo: UHN)

More than 130 UHN staff members who have volunteered to teach the Caring Safely Safety Behaviours and Error Prevention Tools to their colleagues, have been recognized at an appreciation event.

Dr. Charlie Chan, UHN's Interim President & CEO, praised the hard work of the Faculty and other UHN staff in helping roll out this important initiative – the organization's first step in creating a safety culture of zero preventable harm to patients and staff. To date, more than 73 per cent of UHN staff and physicians have completed the training, a level of success that could not have been achieved without the help of the volunteer faculty.

Under the Faculty program, staff from across disciplines, including both clinical and non-clinical, have become safety facilitators who help spread the word of Caring Safely and educate their peers.

"I felt good about contributing towards a safety culture change at UHN," says Kerseri Scane, Manager, Patient Relations & Patient Partnerships. "It was wonderful to meet staff from across the organization and learn more about their work. 

"I got to hear about and discuss the different safety challenges that staff face every day. I was also really encouraged to hear how committed individuals and teams are about safety."

Brenda Perkins-Meingast, Director, Practice Based Education – CAP and Lead, Caring Safely Education, said "the overwhelming support from staff to get involved as faculty speaks volumes to their commitment to safety.

"It's brought people from all areas of the hospital together, working towards one common goal of making UHN a safer place for patients and staff. Faculty members have dedicated their time to role modeling the safety behaviours we want to see in each other.

"They are laying down the foundational knowledge, skills and values needed to eliminate preventable harm." ​

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