The Peter Munk Cardiac Centre Campaign is part of the UHN Foundation and works with our donors to ensure their philanthropic wishes are fulfilled.
"Placing donors first" is at the very heart of our philosophy.
Our Campaign Team is committed to working with every donor to determine their area of interest, ensuring that every dollar goes directly to the program and initiatives of their choice.
Campaign Team
- Shauna Seabrook, Senior Campaign Director
- Ashley Gilbert, Principal Gift Manager
- Alexandra Celebre, Development Associate
Contact Us
UHN Foundation
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre Campaign
R. Fraser Elliott Building
190 Elizabeth Street, 5th Floor
Room 5S-801
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2C4
Phone: 416 340 4056
Current Priorities
The Peter Munk Cardiac Centre’s continued evolution will focus on the development of human resources and the creation and evaluation of ground-breaking therapies.
Centres of Excellence
The Peter Munk Cardiac Centre’s seven
Centres of Excellence grow, differentiate and impact cardiac care around the world.
Fellowship Program
Fellows are specialists who have finished their initial medical training, and are now dedicating themselves to the development of highly specialized and complex techniques. Having completed their medical degrees and residencies, Fellows are able to train in a highly complex sub-specialty by working under the guidance of experienced specialists, other trainees, scientists and researchers.
Fellowships are an important incentive to attract the brightest minds to the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre.
Learn more about the
Fellowship Program