Researcher at the Krembil Discovery Tower

The Krembil Research Institute, formerly named the Toronto Western Research Institute, is the research arm of Toronto Western Hospital.

About Krembil Research

Krembil Brain Institute has a large number of clinicians who are dedicated to performing research to help improve current treatments. We work in partnership with the Krembil Research Institute. Our researchers are focusing on many areas. Read more about our current research pursuits »

Our Research Projects

We conducted the world's first clinical trial to treat Early Alzheimer's Disease with Deep Brain Stimulation in 2010. Building on the success of the first study, we are leading a Phase III clinical trial for Deep Brain Stimulation and Alzheimer's. Our centre is also home to the Canadian Concussion Centre, which examines the possible correlation between repeated concussions and late deterioration of brain function.

Our Recent Firsts

Our team has accomplished many milestones in Canada and in North America over the last 12 years alone.

Learn more about our accomplishments »

Research at UHN

As Canada's largest research hospital, UHN has a proud history of innovative research and important discoveries.

Learn about the full scope of our research»

Support Our Research

UHNITED has helped us build our new world-class research centre, the Krembil Discovery Tower and our next step is to provide our researchers with the tools, labs and support they need to undertake ground-breaking research.

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