Special thanks to: Fahreen Ladak, physiotherapy lead at Bickle Centre for Complex Continuing Care; Melissa Chin, Senior Corporate Planner; Dr. Mark Bayley, Medical Director at Brain and Spinal Cord Rehab (TRI); Dr. Susy Hota, Infection Prevention and Control specialist; Justine Jackson, Interim CEO; Dr. Charles Chan, vice-president, Medical Affairs; Dr. Michael Baker, Rose Family Chair in Medicine; Heather Gordon, social worker in the Red Blood Cell Disorders Clinic; Robyn Short, Communications Coordinator at the TRI Foundation; and Dr. Sean Cleary, General Surgery, Pancreatic and Hepatobiliary Surgery. (Video: UHN YouTube)

Are you ready? We're one week away from the annual UHN Flu Campaign, and this year we want to try something new -- maybe even start a trend.

For every flu shot a UHN employee receives, UHN will donate a vaccine to child in a developing country through UNICEF Canada.

This year, choosing prevention by getting the flu shot will not only help you protect yourself, your coworkers, your family and our patients, but it will also help vulnerable children around the world.

In with the new…but we're still keeping the old

A new take doesn't mean saying goodbye to old favourites. Each staff member who receives a flu vaccination at a UHN Flu Cart will also receive a chocolate bar.  

On top of that, each staff member who receives a flu vaccination will be able to submit their name to be part of a weekly prize drawn at each hospital site for every week of the six-week campaign. You will need to show a UHN employee badge to get a ballot for the draw. Physicians, volunteers and UHN employees are eligible for the draw.

The draw will be held in the lobby of each hospital site – TG, TW, PM and rotating site of TR (either UC, Lyndhurst, Bickle, Rumsey). A member of the site's executive team will draw and announce the name. Prizes will include a $150 gift certificate associated with well recognized shopping centres  – Sherway, Yorkdale, Fairview, Don Mills and Square One.

What more could you ask for?

This year, getting a flu vaccine is about more than just protecting yourself and those around you from influenza – it's also about building global partnerships and helping those in need.

We'll see you at the flu carts next week! Stay tuned for a launch on Monday, October 20th for more details about the campaign and where you can go to get a shot – and in turn give a shot to a child in need.

The flu campaign will run from Oct. 20th until Nov. 29th.​

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