The Cancer Program is teaming up with Canadian Blood Services to encourage more staff to donate blood.
"PMH is one of the biggest users of blood products in Canada and becoming a staff donor is a terrific way to contribute to this vital service," says haematologist Dr. Jacob Pendergrast, Associate Medical Director of the Blood Transfusion Department at UHN.
Starting in April, PMH will participate in "Partners for Life", a Canadian Blood Services initiative to find more donors. The target for PMH? To sign up at least 100 staff donors this year. Dr. Pendergrast, who is a long-time donor himself, is spearheading the campaign to sign up PMH staff donors. "Canadian Blood Services is just down the street (67 College St.) and donating blood takes just under an hour of your time. It's a simple way to make a real difference. Every donation can help save up to three lives.
"Please also consider donating platelets, which is a blood product that PMH relies on extensively for its patients," says Dr. Pendergrast. "All healthy individuals, whether they wish to be regular blood donors or not, can sign up for the bone marrow registry."
Anyone at UHN can become a donor, just call 1-888-2 DONATE (1- 888-533-6663) or online at To ensure your donations count toward the PMH pledge, please use the PMH ID number PRIN010907.
For more information contact Roop Sidhu at 416-313-4641, or
Canadian Blood Services is an, independent, not-for-profit charitable organization responsible for managing all aspects of Canada's blood system — save and secure collection, storage and distribution. It also manages the stem cell and bone marrow registry (