Dr. David Shultz
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients with brain metastases will be included in this study. Patients with known
malignancies but without brain metastases, or patients with primary brain tumors are
not eligible for enrollment.
- MRI confirmed 1-10 lesions. Each lesion must not be intended for resection.
- No prior radiation therapy for brain tumours.
- For patients enrolled to arm B, ability to tolerate RespirAct. Based on studies in
patients with severe cerebrovascular disease, an 8 - 16% drop-out rate at the time
of the first exposure to RespirAct CVR testing is expected [9]. The fourth
generation of this device has been associated with increased tolerability secondary
to elimination of a physical rebreathing circuit replaced by a digital re-breath
analog. This improvement is expected to achieve a drop-out rate significantly below
- Patients must have a GPA greater than or equal to 1.0.
- Patients must be able to provide informed consent. Patient consent must be
appropriately obtained in accordance with applicable local and regulatory
requirements. Each patient must sign a consent form prior to enrollment in the trial
to document their willingness to participate.
- Patients must have sufficient fluency in English and sufficient motor and visual
functioning (corrected or assisted as required) to complete the NCF-A battery.
- Patients must be accessible for treatment, AE assessment and follow- up.
- Limit to KPS ≥ 70 for patients in arm B; no limit for arm A
- Women/men of childbearing potential must have agreed to use a highly effective
contraceptive. Women of childbearing potential will have a pregnancy test to
determine eligibility.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Treatment plan respecting normal tissue tolerances using dose fractionation
specified within the protocol cannot be achieved.
- Pregnant patients will be excluded from this study.
- Prior cranial radiotherapy
- Inability to complete MRI with contrast of the head, or a known allergy to
- Metastatic germ cell tumor, small cell carcinoma, or lymphoma or any primary brain
- Patients with known malignancies but without brain metastases.
- Image Findings
- Widespread definitive leptomeningeal metastasis
- A brain metastasis that is located ≤ 2 mm of the optic chiasm
- Evidence of midline shift
- Fourth ventricular narrowing, concerning for hydrocephalus
- Patients who have undergone surgical resection of brain tumor are not eligible for