Dr. David Shultz
Inclusion Criteria:
- Lymphoma, small cell carcinoma, and seminoma are excluded
- A lesion appropriate for resection, not previously treated with SRS. Lesions should
be > 2 cm and < 4 cm in largest dimension, and require resection ( e.g. due to mass
effect or to obtain a tissue diagnosis). Index lesions will be treated with SRS and
surgery, as outlined in the treatment section of the protocol.
- Seen by a neurosurgeon or radiation oncologist and judged to be appropriate for
participation in this study, including the ability to tolerate NaSRS, e.g., the
ability to lie flat in a stereotactic head frame.
- Any unresected lesions or lesions for which there is no planned immediate resection
(non index lesions) must measure < 3.0 cm in maximal extent on the contrasted MRI or
CT brain scan obtained ≤ 35 days prior to pre-registration. Unresected lesions will
be treated with SRS as outlined in the treatment section of the protocol. .
- ECOG ≤ 2
- MRI confirmed 1-6 lesions, one of which is the index lesion. Each non-index lesion
(up to 5) must measure ≤ 3.0 cm in maximal extent on contrasted MRI scan, and not
otherwise require resection.
Note: The pre-registration MRI may be obtained ≤ 35 days prior to enrolment.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Treatment plan respecting normal tissue tolerances using dose fractionation
specified within the protocol cannot be achieved.
- pregnancy
- Prior cranial radiotherapy targeting the index lesion, or any prior WBRT.
- Inability to complete a MRI with contrast of the head, or a known allergy to
- Cytotoxic Chemotherapy within 7 days prior to SRS (molecularly targeted therapies ,
including immune-modulatory drugs, can be given within seven days of SRS at the
discretion of the treating physician)
- Metastatic germ cell tumor, small cell carcinoma, or lymphoma or any primary brain
- Imaging Findings:
- Widespread definitive leptomeningeal metastasis.
- A brain metastasis that is located ≤ 2 mm of the optic chiasm
- Evidence of midline shift
- Fourth ventricular narrowing, concerning for hydrocephalus