Health professional and patient having a conversation

​​​​​If you are thinking about taking part in a clinical trial, here are some questions that can help you decide.

Note: Only a doctor can refer and enrol you in a clinical trial. Find information on how to arrange a referral.

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​​​ About the trial

  • What is this trial about and why is it being done?
  • What is required of me if I choose to participate?
  • Why do the doctors who designed the trial believe that the treatment being studied may be better than standard treatment? Why may it not be better?
  • How long will I be in the trial?
  • What is the study schedule and what procedures are involved?
  • What are the possible side effects or risks of the new treatment?
  • What are the possible benefits?
  • How will we know if the treatment is working?

​​​ Costs

  • Will I have to pay for any of the treatments or tests?
  • What costs will my provincial health insurance cover?
  • Will I have to pay for treatment for any side effects?

​​​ Daily life

  • How could the trial affect my daily life?
  • How often will I have to come to the hospital or clinic?
  • Will I have to travel long distances to take part?

​​​ Comparing choices

  • What are my other treatment choices, including standard treatments?
  • How does the treatment I would receive in this trial compare with the other treatment choices?
  • Will I have extra tests and procedures because I am in a study (compared to if I was not in the study)?

Adapted from National Cancer Institute ​
Last reviewed: 5/16/2023
Last modified: 11/7/2024 8:37 AM
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