person looking sad

Everyone has different emotions and emotional needs relating to their cancer journey. Some people keep feeling anxious after treatment, and worry about their cancer coming back. This is normal, as are all of the other emotions you are feeling. You and your family and friends should take note of these emotions. You may want to talk to others who have been through cancer treatments and may be feeling the same thing. There are many ways to get the support that you and your family and friends need as you are dealing with these emotions. Some examples are listed below.

How to Manage Your Emotions

  • Speak to your cancer care team
  • Talk to a counsellor
  • Join a support group
  • Volunteer
  • Get involved with the cancer community
  • Keep a journal
  • Attend a workshop: meditation, yoga, writing

Keep track of your daily physical and emotional side effects in the Side Effects Tracker [PDF].​​
Last reviewed: 1/8/2020
Last modified: 10/30/2023 12:03 PM
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