​​​The Melanoma and Skin Oncology Site Group provides world-class, specialized clinical care to patients, tailored to their individual cancer.​


A dermatologist assesses patients for other skin lesions and follows up on patients receiving molecular targeted therapy and/or immunotherapy for new skin lesions that may develop during treatment.


After extensive research and clinical trials carried out by our research arm, the Clinical Cancer Research Unit, in 2012 Princess Margaret became the first cancer centre in Canada to offer this revolutionary immunotherapy treatment for advanced and metastatic cancer. This therapeutic approach uses tumour infiltrating lymphocytes: they are removed, boosted and then reintroduced to the patient so that they attack the tumour and achieve long-term cancer control. New anti-PD-L1 and anti-PD-1 immunotherapeutic treatments are also offered when appropriate.

Molecular Targeted Drug Therapy

A world leader in the clinical application of targeted drug therapies, Princess Margaret offers molecular targeted therapies. Working with pathologists to isolate the B-RAF, N-RAS, and C-KIT genes, medical oncologists are able to assess and plan targeted drug treatments that significantly improve patient outcomes, including survival. Testing is done at the molecular laboratory at UHN.

Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery

As a division of the Princess Margaret Surgical Oncology Department, the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Oncology program is a centre of excellence for the repair and restoration of both function and appearance using state-of-the-art techniques. Our reconstructive surgical group has pioneered innovative reconstructive surgical therapies at the University Health Network.

Our reconstructive surgeons work as part of the surgical team with inter-professional site groups to provide timely access and compassionate, top-quality care to people with cancer and cancer survivors. In many cases, reconstructive surgery is done simultaneously with primary surgical cancer treatment, where appropriate.

Learn more about the Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery »

Surgical Oncology

Princess Margaret offers the most comprehensive surgical cancer care program in Canada. With a world-renowned team of close to 60 surgical oncologists, we offer a broad range of specialized services and are committed to providing access to leading-edge surgical techniques and technologies that improve patient outcomes.

Working inter-professionally with other members of the healthcare team, our surgeons work within site groups. This means our surgeons can focus their practice and work with each patient's team of medical, radiation and other healthcare providers to assess, treat and provide follow-up care for common, rare and complex forms of cancer.

Learn more about the Surgical Oncology »

Tanenbaum Family Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Centre

Housed at the Toronto Western Hospital, the Tanenbaum Family Gamma Knife Centre is the only one of its kind in Ontario. As a unique collaboration between Neurosurgery, Medical Imaging and the Princess Margaret Radiation Medicine programs, this state-of-the-art radiation treatment is available to people with benign and malignant tumours, and other medical conditions.

Learn more about the Tanenbaum Family Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Centre »

Last reviewed: 5/31/2023
Last modified: 10/30/2023 12:27 PM
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