​​​​As the largest Gynecologic Site Group in Canada, our group offers cutting-edge, novel clinical programs that support people at risk for, or who have been diagnosed with, cervical, tubal, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, vulvar or rare gynecological cancers.

From screening, diagnosis and treatment planning and delivery through to survivorship, our group continuously strives to ensure that we are setting the standard for best practices in cancer prevention and patient-centred care.

In addition to our clinical programs and cutting-edge technology and surgical practices, our internationally recognized drug development program offers a range of Phase I, II and III clinical trials. See also: Gynecologic Oncology Site Group Research »

Our group provides the most recent standard of care with an emphasis on innovative treatment.​

After Cancer Treatment Transition (ACTT) Clinic at Women's College Hospital

The After Cancer Treatment Transition Clinic (ACTT) is collaboration between Women’s College Hospital and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. The ACTT Clinic provides care to women previously treated for various types of cancer who are in their post treatment surveillance phase of care.

Patients who have completed their treatment at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre will be referred to the ACCT clinic based on specific criteria by their oncologist.

Learn more about the After Cancer Treatment Transition (ACTT) Clinic at Women's College Hospital »

Cancer Rehab and Survivorship Program

The Cancer Rehab and Survivorship (CRS) program provides many services to support patients during and after cancer treatment. Patients access the CRS program as an outpatient.

Learn more about the Cancer Rehab and Survivorship Program »

Familial Cancer Clinic

The Princess Margaret Familial Cancer Clinic provides services for families who may be at risk of hereditary cancer. These services may be available to people who have a personal diagnosis of cancer or those with a strong family history.

As part of their genetic counselling appointment, patients will have the opportunity to discuss:

  • Individual cancer risks
  • Personalized cancer screening recommendations
  • Eligibility for genetic testing
  • Risks, benefits, and limitations of genetic testing
  • The latest advances in cancer genetics
  • Options for participating in research studies

For families with an identified cancer risk, high risk cancer screening and risk reduction options are discussed and may be coordinated through specialty clinics such as the High-Risk Breast Cancer Clinic.

Learn more about the Familial Cancer Clinic »

Last reviewed: 10/9/2023
Last modified: 11/3/2023 6:42 AM
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