​​​​​​​The Central Nervous System Site Group, in collaboration with the University of Toronto, provides an outstanding educational program for residents and fellows in central nervous system oncology.

With a large patient population, highly skilled staff and access to the latest technology in all fields, our trainees receive a state-of-the-art educational experience. We offer fellowships in all our medical specialty disciplines and residents from all programs routinely rotate through our site as part of their more general oncology training in surgical, radiation and medical oncology.

Our site group’s staff actively help organize, and participate in, continuing medical education programs and discipline-based meetings at the local, provincial, national and international levels.

All residents and fellows are encouraged to participate in the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre’s very active research activities.

Princess Margaret is a fully affiliated teaching hospital of the University of Toronto.​

Cancer Education Awards

The Cancer Education Awards recognize Princess Margaret healthcare workers that go above and beyond in education. Nominate a colleague today!

Learn more about the Cancer Education Awards »

Education Opportunities

Take advantage of our opportunities for post-secondary and continuing education training, available in different areas of cancer care.

See our education and training programs »

Last reviewed: 2/2/2023
Last modified: 1/24/2024 5:31 AM
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