​​​​​The Central Nervous System Site Group is linked with Canada’s largest neurosurgical group and eye cancer treatment centre. The Central Nervous Site Group is also home to the country’s premier brain tumour centre.

Our cutting-edge treatment options, technology and highly skilled staff mean that our patients receive world-class care across all our programs.

Gerry and Nancy Pencer Brain Tumour Centre

The Gerry and Nancy Pencer Brain Tumour Centre is the premier brain tumour treatment program in Canada and is recognized internationally as a centre of excellence. Acting as the hub of our Central Nervous System Site Group Program, our physicians, nurses and allied health workers provide information, treatment and support for brain tumour patients and their families in one integrated location. The Centre is funded by the Pencer Trust.

Learn more about the Gerry and Nancy Pencer Brain Tumour Centre »

High-Precision Image-Guided Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IG-IMRT)

Our programs use technologies ranging from advanced imaging techniques to state-of-the-art linear accelerators and from dosimetry tools to treatment design workstations to deliver high-quality, tailored care for patients with primary tumours of the brain, eye and spinal cord.

Neuropathology Program

We perform state-of-the art histologic and molecular analysis of CNS tumours. Our approach incorporates novel molecular and genomic techniques for precision diagnosis of brain tumors.

Learn more about the Neuropathology Program »


Part of the Pencer Brain Tumor Centre and the Department of Supportive Care at the Princess Margaret, the neuropsychology service provides psychoeducation, assessment, and cognitive rehabilitation support to CNS patients  treated at UHN. Assessments provide information about strengths and weaknesses in memory and thinking abilities, how these problems relate to the brain tumor or its treatment, and strategies to help patients and families cope with difficulties. The neuropsychology team includes the neuropsychologist, psychometrist, and psychology graduate students and fellows.

The neuropsychology research program focuses on the effects of brain cancer and cancer treatment on cognitive functions and quality of life. Current studies under investigation include the late effects of radiation on neurocognitive functioning in adult brain tumor patients and in adult survivors of childhood cancers, the effects of cancer treatments on neurocognitive and psychosocial functions in young adults with cancer, and the role of physical exercise on cognition, quality of life, and tumor progression in patients with glioblastoma.


As part of the Krembil Neuroscience Program at the Toronto Western Hospital and the University of Toronto Division of Neurosurgery, our neurosurgery group is the largest in Canada, with an outstanding international reputation for excellence and innovation. We represent the leading skull base and minimally invasive endoscopic programs in North America.

Learn more about the Neurosurgery »

Robert & Andrée Rhéaume Fitzhenry Brain Metastases Program

We have a very active radiosurgery and neurosurgery program for patients with a limited number of brain metastases. Surgery takes place within our Neuroscience Program, located at Toronto Western Hospital. The Gamma Knife Centre provides radiosurgery.

Learn more about the Robert & Andrée Rhéaume Fitzhenry Brain Metastases Program »

Spine Program

The Spine Program at UHN provides comprehensive surgical expertise in the treatment of spinal metastases ranging from minimally invasive options and separation surgery to radical surgical resection and spinal reconstruction.

Learn more about the Spine Program »

Tanenbaum Family Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Centre

Housed at the Toronto Western Hospital, the Tanenbaum Family Gamma Knife Centre is the only one of its kind in Ontario. As a unique collaboration between Neurosurgery, Medical Imaging and the Princess Margaret Radiation Medicine programs, this state-of-the-art radiation treatment is available to people with benign and malignant tumours, and other medical conditions.

Learn more about the Tanenbaum Family Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Centre »

Last reviewed: 2/2/2023
Last modified: 10/31/2023 7:29 AM
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