What are my options?
There are many ways to cover the cost of medicine. Coverage may not be the same for every patient.
Here are some ways your medicines may be covered:
- private insurance (for example, companies like Manulife, Greenshield or Sun Life)
- provincial insurance
- other coverage
What is private insurance?
You may already have private insurance through:
- your employer (through work)
- your school (if you are a student at a university or college)
- your parent or guardian (if you are a dependent child)
- your spouse or partner
- a plan you buy yourself
Don’t forget to show your Pharmacist your insurance policy card. This is important information that the pharmacy needs to fill your prescriptions.
What is provincial coverage?
These are some provincial programs that may offer drug coverage:
- Senior Ontario Drug Benefit
- Ontario Works
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- Trillium Drug Program
- Homecare (LHIN Home and Community Care)
What is Seniors Ontario Drug Benefit?
Seniors who are 65 years old and over automatically receive Ontario Drug Benefit coverage. Coverage begins on the 1st day of the month after your 65th birthday.
What is other coverage?
Other coverage could include:
- Non-Insured Health Benefits (Indian Affairs)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
What if I don’t have coverage?
Call the Medication Reimbursement Office to make an appointment to meet with a Medication Reimbursement Specialist.
What are Medication Reimbursement Specialists?
Medication Reimbursement Specialists are drug coverage experts. They can help you understand the options you may have to cover the costs of your medicine.
How can a Medication Reimbursement Specialist help me?
They will help you:
- understand your drug coverage options
- find out if you are able to get more coverage
- answer any questions you have about drug coverage
The Medication Reimbursement Specialists work together with the Princess Margaret Outpatient Pharmacy team to make sure you can get your outpatient medicines.
Who can I contact with my questions?
Medication Reimbursement Specialists
Phone: 416 946 2830
Fax: 416 946 6515
Email: pmh-mrs@uhn.ca
Hours (by appointment):
Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Where to find us:
The Medication Reimbursement Specialists are located at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre on the 10th Floor, Room 127.