Home and Community Care Supports
In-home or community-based services
Home and Community Care
Home and Community Care offers the following services:
- Support from health care professions such as:
- nurses
- physiotherapists
- social workers
- registered dietitians
- occupational therapists
- speech therapists
- personal support workers
- devices and supplies
- coverage for medical equipment and supplies
- information about Long-Term Care options
To see if you qualify for government-funded services or to arrange a home visit, contact your local Local Health Integration Network (LHIN):
For more information about how to get help for patients and seniors who need support living at home visit the
Ontario Health Home and Community webpage.
Visiting Homemakers Association (VHA) Home HealthCare
VHA home health care provides:
- personal care support, homemaking or housecleaning
- caregiver relief, family and child care (emergency and non-emergency)
- nursing support and rehabilitation services
- palliative care at home
There is a fee for this service (payment support may be available).
Medical Aids and Supplies
Buying or renting
Medical Supply Companies
Local medical supply companies can be found in the telephone directory (yellow pages) and on-line. Some private insurance plans cover all or part of the cost of medical aids and supplies. Check your coverage before buying.
Medical Emergency Alarms
Medical Emergency Alarms let you ask for help right away in case of an emergency. There are many types of medical emergency alarms with different features. You can choose one that fits your needs. You typically wear the alarm on you, and you can press it at any time if you need help. Below is a list of places that sell or rent medical emergency alarms.
There is a fee for this service.
FirstCall Response Systems Inc.
LifeCall Medical Alarms
- Phone: 1 800 661 5433 or 1 866 784 1992
- Hours: Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Website:
LifeCall Medical Alarms
Financial support and installation of aids
Assistive Devices Program, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) helps people with long-term physical disabilities pay for medical devices and supplies. You must apply for this support. ADP covers 12 different types of devices like walking aids. Contact for a complete list or to get more information.
Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
If you need asisstive aids at home, CMHC can provide financial help to make changes or repairs in your home. You can add grab bars, rails, ramps or change your bathroom to make it safer.
Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities
This program helps homeowners and landlords pay for changes to make homes safer and easier to access for people with disabilities. If you meet the terms of the program, you can get financial support. Please contact or visit the website for more information.
Home Adaptations for Seniors Independence
This program helps adults with low incomes to make small changes to their homes. These changes will make it safer and easier for them to do their daily activities in their home independently (by themselves). Homeowners and landlords can apply for this financial support.
Child care
Child care services
Magic Castle
The Magic Castle is a playroom for the children of patients and family members who have appointments and treatment at Princess Margaret. Children can express themselves through play, making the Magic Castle their own safe place. Infants and children up to 12 years old are welcome. Calling in advance to book space for all children is preferred.
There is no fee for this service.
Nanny Angel Network
This service provides relief child care for families in the Toronto area 5 hours a week during treatment or recovery. Volunteer professional child care providers will engage children in fun, creative and educational experiences in your home. No referral is needed.
There is no fee for this service.
- Location: 1000 Sheppard Avenue, West, Suite 100, Toronto, ON M3H 2T6
- Phone: 416 730 0025
- Website:
Nanny Angel Network
Finding more child care support in your community
You can find more information about child care support in your community from:
- community information centres, child care centres, libraries and churches
- Ministry of Community local offices, Family and Children Services
- telephone directory (Yellow Pages), under “Child Care” or “Day Care”
- newspaper ads and bulletin boards
- human resources at your workplace
- friends, neighbours, relatives and co-workers
Some child care agencies have lower rates for those in financial need. Community hospice programs may also provide some child care help.
Financial support for child care
Child Care Fee Subsidy (City of Toronto)
The Child care Fee Subsidy helps families with the cost of child care. This support is available on a first come, first served basis.
If your family meets the terms for the subsidy, your name will be put on a waiting list. You will then be called to attend a meeting to review your case. If you or your child has a special need, you may also qualify.
There is no fee for this service.
Financial and Legal Concerns
Income support
Phone and online resources
Employment Insurance
Canadian Pension Plan: Retirement, Early Retirement and Disability Programs
- Phone: 1 800 277 9914 (toll-free)
- Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Website:
Canadian Pension Plan
Ontario Works
Ontario Disability Support Program
Medication Coverage
Medical Reimbursement Specialist
This service gives information about drug coverage and helps you access it.
There is no fee for this service.
Money Matters Resource Centre
Money Matters Online offers cancer patients free professional case management with a
Money Matters Case Worker. All appointments are individual, private and confidential, and take place in real time via Skype or Face Time.
- Location: 4 Charles Street East, Toronto, ON M4Y 1T1
- Phone: 416 961 1928
- Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00pm
- Website:
The Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Program
The ODB Program helps you cover the cost of your drugs (medicine) if you meet the program requirements. Please visit the website or contact for more information.
The Trillium Drug Program (“Trillium”)
Trillium is a government co-payment program to help those who spend a large part of their income on their medicine. Trillium provides payment support for certain medicines (drugs) based on income. You need to have a valid health card (OHIP).
Interim Federal Health Program
This program offers temporary (short-term) health insurance to refugees or protected persons, those who are waiting on their refugee status, and families who depend on them.
Non-insured Health Benefits (NIHB) for First Nations People and Inuit
This program provides financial support to First Nations and Inuit people. They give support for some health-related supplies and services that are not covered by provinces and territories or other private insurance plans.
Contact NIHB for more details about coverage and service.
Veterans Affairs Canada
The Veterans Affairs Canada Treatment Benefits offers financial support for health-related supplies and services to Veterans and their families. Their support includes medicine, dental care, surgery, and both hearing and vision aids. You will need to have a Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Health Identification card or a VAC Health Identification letter outlining the benefits you can receive in Canada.
Phone: 1 866 522 2122
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
More information on available medical coverage supports
For more information about home or community-based support, read:
You can find these pamphlets in the Princess Margaret Patient and Family Library on the Main Floor of the hospital.
Legal Concerns
The Law Society of Upper Canada’s Lawyer Referral Service (LRS)
The LRS will provide you with the name of a lawyer or licensed paralegal. They will offer free consults (30 minutes) to help you decide on your rights and options.
Legal Aid Ontario
This service connects low-income people with a range of legal services.
ProBono Ontario
ProBono Ontario offers free assistance with civil procedure, corporate, employment, housing, consumer matters, and general advice on how to fill out POA documents.
- Phone: 1 866 466 7256
- Website:
ProBono Ontario
- Phone: 416 977 4448 extension 924
More information on available legal supports
For more information about home or community based support, read:
You can find these pamphlets in the Princess Margaret Patient and Family Library on the Main Floor of the hospital.
Returning to Work
Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Program
The Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship (CRS) program at Princess Margaret can help you make a return to work plan.
Talk to program staff about important issues like:
- What supports to ask for in the workplace
- What information to share with your employer and colleagues
Ask your doctor to refer you to the CRS Program.
Back to Work (Wellspring)
This program provides cancer patients who have difficulties in their workplace a chance to meet with other patients who have returned to work. Under the direction of professional program leaders, patients share their stories, challenges, and discuss strategies or tips to address them. Call for more information.
There is no fee for this service.
- Phone: 416 480 4440 (Toronto) or,
- Toll free: 1 877 499 9904
- Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Website:
Provincial and Federal Employment Standards and Rights:
More information on available return to work supports
For more information about returning to work, read:
You can get this pamphlet from the Princess Margaret Patient and Family Library on the Main Floor of the hospital.