Emotional and social support services at UHN
Social work
Social workers can help you and your family with the emotional and practical aspects of coping with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. They can help with:
- emotional matters: dealing with fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, and a sense of loss
- financial matters: income support, drug costs, and disability pensions
- practical matters: transportation, home support and referrals to community resources
You or a family member can make an appointment with a social worker at any time before, during or after treatment. Contact social work directly or ask a member of your healthcare team to arrange for you to see a social worker.
Psychiatry and psychology
Psychiatrists are trained to help people facing cancer. They can help you and your family learn how to cope with the emotional distress of a cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Psychologists are experts in how people think, feel, and behave. They diagnose and treat mental health conditions such as problems with thinking, memory, and emotional distress. If you would like to speak with a psychologist or psychiatrist, please request an appointment with the Psychosocial Oncology Clinic (see below).
Psychosocial Oncology Clinic
The Psychosocial Oncology Clinic is a team of social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists. They are there to help you and your family:
- cope with the diagnosis of cancer
- reduce stress
- improve your emotional well-being
This clinic can also support you after your treatment. There is no fee for this service.
Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Program
The Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship (CRS) Program offers many programs and services to help you and your family. When you are referred to the CRS Program, you will meet different health care professionals. They will help you:
- prepare a plan to manage your cancer experience
- help you reduce and manage any late or long-term effects of cancer and its treatment
- help you find services and programs that best meet your needs
There is no fee for this service.
Cancer Survivorship Centre
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
2nd floor
Phone: 416-946-4501 extension 2363
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
ELLICSR: Health, Wellness and Cancer Survivorship Centre
Toronto General Hospital
Phone: 416-581-8620
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Find information about brain metastases, treatment and symptoms
Patient and Family Library
The Patient and Family Library provides patients and families with different cancer-related information. You can find pamphlets, books, e-books, videos and CDs. The library can also provide you with hospital and community resources. There is no fee for this service.
The library service also includes:
- computers with internet access
- personal health information searches and packages done by a professional librarian
If you are looking for information, call the library at 416-946-4501 extension 5383, or fill out an online search form and bring it to the library.
- Visit
Patient & Family Library
- Under “Ask Our Librarian” click “Read more”
- Click on “search form (PDF)” to print out and complete
You can get the information by email or pick it up at the Patient and Family Library.
Radiation Therapy: Answering Your Questions Class
This is a class for patients and families who are getting radiation therapy. In this class you will learn what to expect during radiation treatment. There is no fee for this service.
Radiation Therapy: Answering Your Questions Class
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Floor 1B
Phone: 416-946-4633
You can call an interpreter at 416-581-8604 – call 5 days before your class
Every Monday at 11:00 am – No registration required
Care for yourself and your family
ELLICSR: Health, Wellness & Cancer Survivorship Centre
ELLICSR is a place for anyone affected by cancer. This includes patients, family members, caregivers or friends. At ELLICSR, you can:
- join classes and programs that can provide you with education, emotional support and healthy lifestyle options
- find information on health and wellness
- meet other survivors
- sit and relax before or after your appointment
There is no fee for this service.
ELLICSR: Health, Wellness & Cancer Survivorship Centre
Toronto General Hospital, Peter Munk Building
Basement, Room PMB 130
200 Elizabeth Street
Toronto, ON M5G 2C4
Phone: 416-581-8620
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Spiritual Care
Spiritual care can help you manage your health and cope. It can help you find meaning, value and connection, especially during difficult times. You do not have to be religious to benefit from spiritual care.
There is support for all types of spiritual expression: religious practice, personal relationships, artistic creation, a connection to nature and more. Services include:
- encouragement and comfort
- support for loss and grief
- opportunities for prayers, meditation and reflection
- help with religious and spiritual practice when requested
There is no fee for this service.
Relaxation therapy sessions
Many people have anxiety and stress when they are undergoing cancer treatment. Sometimes, this stress can interfere with your daily activities. If you are having trouble with stress you may benefit from relaxation therapy.
To register, ask your doctor for a referral to Occupational Therapy.
The Healing Journey Program: Coping with Cancer Stress
This program helps cancer patients and family members cope with the stress of cancer and its treatments. It includes techniques such as relaxation, thought control, mental imaging, emotional expression and goal setting.
There is no fee for this service.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program
This 8-week program helps patients reduce stress and anxiety caused by their cancer. This includes stress from diagnosis and treatment. It uses meditation and a method called “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a type of mental training that helps you manage stress in a healthy way.
Please call for more information or to sign up. There is no fee for this service.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program
Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street
Toronto, ON M5G 2C4
Phone: 416-340-4452 (leave a message)
Community support resources for you and your family
Canadian Cancer Society Peer Support Service
This is a telephone support program that connects patients and caregivers with fully screened and trained volunteers who have had cancer, or who have cared for someone with cancer. Peer volunteers:
- listen
- provide hope
- offer support
- share ideas for coping
There is no fee for this service.
Canadian Cancer Society Peer Support Service
Phone: 1-800-263-6750
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am–5:00 pm
Cancer Connection
Family Service Toronto
The Family Service Toronto offers advice, support and programs for individuals, couples and families seeking support with:
- family problems (like separation or divorce) and relationship issues
- parenting concerns
- depression, anxiety, sexual abuse and childhood trauma
- job loss
- life transitions or changes
Services are offered in Toronto, Etobicoke, Scarborough and North York. Counselling is available in different languages. Call to make an appointment. There is a fee for this service (reduced for those with lower income).
Family Service Toronto
128A Sterling Road
Toronto, ON M6R 2B7
Phone: 416-595-9230 (Reception) or 416-595-9618 (Service Access Unit)
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Family Service Toronto
Gilda’s Club
Gilda’s Club offers support groups, education classes, art programs, and children and teen programs. It is also a place where all cancer patients (adults, teens and children), families and friends can connect socially and emotionally. The building is wheelchair accessible. Contact for more information. There is no fee for this service.
Gilda’s Club
24 Cecil Street
Toronto, ON M5T 1N2
Phone: 416 214 9898
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Gilda's Club Greater Toronto
Wellspring has community centres across Canada that provides support, education and coping skills to people with cancer and their families. Visit the website and click on “Contact Us” or call for more information. There is no fee for this service.
Wellspring Downtown Toronto
4 Charles Street East
Toronto, ON M4Y 1T1
Phone: 416 961 1928
Toll free 1 877 499 9904
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wellspring Westerkirk House (Sunnybrook)
105 Wellness Way
Toronto, ON M4N 3M5
Phone: 416 480 4440
Wellspring Chinguacousy
5 Inspiration Way
Brampton, ON L6R 0L7
905 792 6480
Toll-free 1 877 907 6480
Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House
2545 Sixth Lane
Oakville, ON L6H 7V9
Phone: 905 257 1988
Wellspring London and Region
YMCA of Western Ontario
382 Waterloo Street
London, ON N6B 2N8
Phone: 519 438 7379
Wellspring Stratford
48 Well Street
Stratford, ON N5A 4L7
Phone: 519 271 2232
Wellspring Niagara
3250 Schmon Parkway, Unit #3
Thorold, ON L2V 4Y6
Phone: 905 684 7619
Dr. Jay Children’s Grief Program
The Dr. Jay Children’s Grief Program helps educate and support children and families who have a loved one who is dying or has died. They help adults speak to children about dying and death. Contact for more information.
There is no fee for this service.
Self Help Resource Centre
This centre has information on different support groups in Ontario for people living with cancer and their families. You can also find links to other Self Help Centres across Ontario that offers similar services. The Self Help Resource Centre can help you in starting your own self-help group. Please call for more information.
There is no fee for this service.
Self Help Resource Centre
40 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 307
Toronto, ON M4T 1M9
Phone: 416 487 4355 or 1 888 283 8806
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Self Help Resource Centre
Unison Health and Community Services – Toronto
Unison Health and Community Services provides information and support for all health-related matters. This includes counselling, peer-support, and help from a team of doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, case coordinators and dietitians.
All health care and discussion with staff is kept private. You can get help from a professional medical interpreter if you do not speak or understand English very well. There is no fee for this service.
Lawrence Heights site
Phone: 416 787 1661
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 8:30 pm.
Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Keele-Rogers site
Phone: 416 653 5400
Hours: Monday and Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 9:00 am – 8:30 pm
Bathurst-Finch site
Phone: 647 436 0385
Hours: Monday, Wednesday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Tuesday 8:30 am – 8:30 pm
Jane-Trethewey site
Phone: 416 645 7575
Hours: Monday and Friday, 8:30 am –5 pm
Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 am – 8:30 pm. Wednesday 8:30 am – 7:30 pm
Unison Health and Community Resources
Culture and religion specific resources
Catholic Family Services of Toronto
Counselling is provided to individuals, couples or families of all cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds who are experiencing a stressful situation. Counselling is available in English, French and Italian. There is a fee for this service (reduced for those with lower income).
1155 Yonge Street, Suite 200
Toronto, ON M4T 1W2
Phone: 416 921 1163
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Chinese Family Services of Ontario
The Chinese Family Services of Ontario provides counselling and therapy for a variety of life concerns for individuals, couples and families. There are offices in Toronto and Richmond Hill. Counselling and therapy are by appointments only. This service is available in English and Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese and Shanghainese).
There is no fee for this service.
COSTI Immigrant Services, Family & Mental Health Services
COSTI’s Family and Mental Health Services offers private counselling services to Italian-Canadian individuals, couples and families in Toronto and York region. Professional counsellors speak Italian and English, and know the Italian culture.
They can provide help and support with issues including:
- anxiety
- depression
- stress management
- relationships
- family problems
There is a fee for this service (reduced for those with lower income).
Islamic Foundation of Toronto’s (IFT) Muslim Cancer Support Group
IFT offers in-person or over-the-phone support to people with cancer and their families. IFT hosts a Muslim Cancer Support Group, and one-on-one consults with a Muslim cancer specialist. Groups are held on the last Friday of every month from 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm at the centre. There is no fee for this service.
Islamic Foundation of Toronto’s (IFT) Muslim Cancer Support Group
441 Nugget Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1S 5E1
Phone: 416 321 0909
Hours: Monday – Friday, 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday, 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Islamic Foundation
Jewish Family & Child
This service offers counselling to individuals, couples and families who are in a stressful place. There are also separate counselling groups for children and teens. Counselling is offered in Toronto and North York in different languages.
Call for more information or to make an appointment. Evening appointments are available. There is a fee for this service (reduced for those with lower income).
Main Branch
4600 Bathurst Street,
Toronto, ON M2R 3V3
Phone: 416 638 7800
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Muslim Cancer Support Group
The Muslim Cancer Support Group is a community-based group of volunteers and cancer survivors. They provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to all who are touched by cancer. You can meet cancer survivors and get support at monthly support meetings at the Islamic Foundation of Toronto.
Call for the location or more information. There is no fee for this service.
Online & telephone support for you and your family
Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) Cancer Information Service
This national, bilingual (English and French) organization offers cancer patients, their families, the general public and healthcare workers a wide range of cancer-related information and support. Resources are available in many languages through an interpreter. CCS does not provide any medical advice.
There is no fee for this service.
The CaringBridge website gives people experiencing a significant health challenge a way to connect with family and friends. It offers websites for personal and private space to communicate and show support. There is no fee for this service.
The Health Line
Search website to find up-to-date inpatient hospice palliative care units listed by region.
Other international resources
Cancer.Net (United States)
Cancer.Net is the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s patient information website. You can find timely, credible cancer information approved by healthcare providers.
This includes information on:
- different types of cancer
- treatments
- how to manage side effects
- how to cope
OncoLink (United States)
OncoLink is an information website by the Abramson Cancer Center for patients, families, healthcare professionals and the general public. It offers information on different types of cancer, news on cancer treatments and research advances.
National Cancer Institute – NCI (United States)
NCI is part of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. This website provides up-to-date and credible information on different types of cancer and its treatment.
Mobile apps
Princess Margaret My Cancer Journey App
The app is a guide to information and services that may help patients during their cancer treatment. Many people are overwhelmed when they learn they have cancer. The stress of not knowing what happens next, what questions to ask, or where to find help can lead to feeling out of control. The Princess Margaret Cancer Journey app is designed to give patients and families a place to start. Find:
- articles on what to expect at each phase of your cancer journey
- questions to ask your health care team
- details on services at the Princess Margaret and in the community
- links to accurate health information
Download the app by searching for ‟Princess Margaret Cancer Journey” in the Google Play or Apple App Store.