About Us


Toronto Western Hospital
East Wing – 5th Floor, Room 403


Phone: 416 603 5658

Referral Fax: 416 603 6756


Monday – Friday
7:45 am – 4:15 pm











For urgent referrals, please indicate on the requisition or notify our department directly.

Please note that only physicians may send a referral. Please fax the completed referral form to 416 603 6756.

Your office is responsible for providing the pati​ent with the appointment information, including time and location, and important documents.

Please note that clinic appointments may be virtual visits. The clinic team will let you know what type of appointment is appropriate for your care. Learn more about virtual visits at UHN »

What We Do

​​​We're a diagnostic clinic that examines the changing states of your heart and your blood flow. Our procedures involve injecting a small amount of radioactive ​material that will allow doctors to see how the heart contracts and dilates and how the blood flows, both when you're under stress and are at rest.

Using radioactive tracers, we are able to see how the heart is working, not just how it looks. Our scans are three-dimensional pictures of a moving, beating heart that can be observed at many different angles and views. This is a non-invasive diagnostic tool which allows your doctor insight into your heart health. ​


Patients are most often referred to us because they experience chest pain or are at risk because of their family history or smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

You might also be referred to us to check for coronary artery disease and to check how a heart procedure such as angioplasty or bypass surgery has improved your health. We might also check to see if your heart is healthy enough for surgery, to determine the effects of chemotherapy on your heart and to find out how well your heart is pumping. Our tests include:​

Pharmacological and exercise stress testing, using radioactive tracers:

How to Prepare

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.​

Health Information

Materials and Resources to Help You

​The Patient & Family Education Program at UHN offers valuable resources to help you understand your condition.​

Visit our health information section.​​​​​

What happens when you get a scan?

​The following slideshow shows the steps involved in having anPDF icon imageexercise myocar​dial perfusion scan.​​

Our Team

Meet Our Team

​​​​​​​​​​We are a diverse team of health care professionals working together for you and with you to provide high quality diagnostic testing. Our team includes secretaries, cardiac technologists, nuclear medicine technologists, doctors, and volunteers.  ​

Medical Director: Dr. Robert Iwanochko

Corporate Manager: Lizette Biclar


Reporting Physician​​​s


Nuclear M​​edicine Technologists

  • Patrick D'Sa
  • Zeinul Somani
  • Angela Ivo​​
  • Harvinder Shukla
  • Elizabeth Porter
  • Catherine Penney
  • Kim Butterworth
  • Zahra Karim


Cardia​c Technologists​​​​

  • Gillian Johnston
  • Rosanne Dominelli
  • Claudia Mendoza
  • David Jackson
  • Jennie Campbell
  • Nyla Girwar
  • Mary McGill-Ott
  • Lindsay Salo

C​​​lerical Staff

  • Claudia Wong
  • Lisa Lakatoo
  • Veronica Andre
  • Erica Kuribayashi
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