About Us











Please note that clinic appointments may be virtual visits. The clinic team will let you know what type of appointment is appropriate for your care. Learn more about virtual visits at UHN »

What We Do

We focus on the diagnosis and management of inherited heart rhythm disorders. Heritable heart rhythm disorders can lead to abnormal heart rhythms, loss of consciousness or sudden death when there's an absence of obvious disease or symptoms. Our patients get referred from family physicians, emergency rooms, specialists and the General Arrhythmia Clinic.

We also see family members of affected individuals for counseling and screening, as well as people with syncope when they have physical or emotional stress, those with a suspected heritable arrhythmia disorder and those who have unusual results for an ECG.

Our patients undergo comprehensive medical evaluation by Dr. Danna Spears, a cardiac electrophysiologist with specific training and expertise in this field. They also get counselling and testing by a genetics counsellor and clinical geneticist. A number of tests are done, such as electrocardiography, exercise stress electrocardiography, echocardiography, and an MRI.

Conditions Evaluated and Managed at Our Clinic

  • Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
  • Brugada Syndrome​​
  • Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia​
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyop​​athy
  • Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation
  • Long QT Syndrome

How to Prepare

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.​​​

Health Information

Materials and Resources to Help You

Resources From the Patient & Family Education Program

Patient & Families Services

You can also find other services throughout UHN. Learn more about patient and family services available throughout UHN.​​

Our Team

Meet Our Team

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Electrophysiology team is staffed by a team of qualified health professionals experienced in the assessment of heart rhythms. The team including physicians, nurses, allied health professionals and administrative staff are part of the Electrophysiology Department in the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, where world class services for the diagnoses, assessment and treatment of heart rhythm disorders are provided.

Director of Electrophysiology

    Phone: 416 340 4422
Fax: 416 340 4457​

Director of Device Clinic

Dr. Douglas Cameron                 
Phone: 416 340 4339
Fax: 416 340 4338

Manager Electrophysiology:
Lana Abraham​​

Staff Electrophysiologists

Phone: 416 340 3172
Fax: 416 340 4710
Phone: 416 340 4982 
Fax: 416 595 1811​
Phone: 416 715 3510
Fax: 416 340 4862​
Phone: 416 340 3324
Fax: 416 340 3352​
Phone: 416 340 5237
Fax: 416 340 4710
Phone: 416 340 3194
Fax: 416 595 18​11 ​
Dr. Danna Spears
Phone: 416 340 3535
Fax: 647 693 7543​
Dr. Menashe Waxman
Phone: 416 340 3929​
Fax: 416 595 1811

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​Cardiovascula​r Surg​eons

Phone: 416 340 4928 
Fax: 416 340 5069 
Dr. Stephanie Bri​ster
Phone: 416 340 4945 
Fax: 416 340 4946 ​
Phone: 416 340 4309
Fax: 416 340 3803​​
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