Grateful donors help fund innovation
Jeff Rubenstein (right) and his father, Max, who has been a patient at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Jeff Rubenstein (right) and his father, Max, who has been a patient at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre.

Everything is “so far, so good” a dozen years after his heart transplant at Toronto’s Peter Munk Cardiac Centre (PMCC), says Frank Lavorato. And that’s an understatement.

“I couldn’t be happier with the way I’ve been treated,” says Mr. Lavorato, a 65-yearold Woodbridge, Ont., resident whose family has a history of cardiac disease.

Jeff Rubenstein thinks it’s wonderful that Mr. Lavorato’s transplant in 2003 was successful, but his goal is more expansive – less surgery, more non-invasive treatment and ever better knowledge, care and understanding of the heart.

Mr. Rubenstein is a Toronto businessman whose father, now 95, also had his life saved at the centre. 

“He was 65 years old and had a heart attack right in the middle of a stress test. He had a quadruple bypass, and the doctor saved him. Our family has always been philanthropic. When someone saves your life, you want to become a bit more involved, say, ‘Thank you,’” he says.

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